The invaluable Bill Melugin from Fox News has been reporting from the border, and posts frequently photos and videos of illegal aliens (ahem–I mean “undocumented migrant refugee totally wonderful and not at all scary drug mules”) walking over the border by the hundreds or thousands. I recommend his Twitter feed.

We have of course been assured by Jean-Pierre that absolutely nobody just walks over the border into the United States, just as there couldn’t possibly be nightly flights of these migrants to the four corners of the United States. (Karine Jean-Pierre is if anything worse than Kamala Harris at gaslighting).

It’t not just a flood of illegal migrants (from all over the world, not just from countries south of the border) streaming through our border. It’s pretty much every illegal substance you can imagine.

In the midst of a fentanyl overdose crisis that is killing 175 people a day, the Biden Administration just shrugs. Fentanyl overdoses causes almost twice as many deaths in the 18-45 age range as COVID-19 (21,335), cancer (17,114), car accidents (22,442), and suicide (21,678) respectively. Biden’s policies aren’t just immiserating Americans, it is killing them too. The Biden response has not been to cut off the flow of illegal and dangerous drugs from outside the United States, it has been to cut off the flow of perfectly legal opioids to people suffering from chronic pain.

Get it? Punish average Americans in need of genuine pain relief, while claiming to address the real crisis of illegal fentanyl that is killing tens of thousands of other Americans. This isn’t just stupid, it is evil.

While it is true that Americans have (mostly modest) disagreement over what would constitute the absolute best policy on immigration, it is also true that almost nobody but the radical Left favors completely open borders. Because open borders is a completely insane policy.

Most Americans are fed up with the ridiculous policies at the Border, but that doesn’t seem to be a wake-up call to the Leftists who currently hold power in D.C.

The Biden Administration has been on a roll lately. Seemingly every day they try to convince us that they have successfully secured the border, and every day we see stories and images that contradict the narrative. I would say they have taken gaslighting to new heights, but that really isn’t true.

They actually suck eggs when it comes to gaslighting. 

In order for gaslighting to work you have to shape the information space, not just repeat obvious lies. It only works if you can get people to take your lies seriously. Instead of this, Karine Jean-Pierre and Kamala Harris have done little but inspire open ridicule.

They richly deserve the ridicule!

As I have said before: Leftists ruin everything they touch. They kill civilization and dance on its grave.
