A gastroenterologist and gut health expert has said that there is one fruit which people should eat more of to help improve their gut health – and it’s largely forgotten about.

Dr Saliha Mahmood-Ahmed appeared on ITV’s This Morning revealing what she does to help keep her gut healthy. When asked by host Josie Gibson “are there any foods out there that you got will just be still thankful for?” she replied that there’s so many but “there’s not many people who shout out about Kiwis”.

She suggests having more than one a day could help you on the toilet too. “Two kiwi’s a day and things move through you nice and smoothly. I shout out about because we don’t have that much research about what foods are going to help with certain symptoms.”

She says that there is however research out there “which is nice and clean” which shows that “if you eat two kiwi fruits a day, it really helps constipation. One of the reasons for that is it’s full of fibre and fibre is such a forgotten nutrient such forgotten nutrient carbs we talk about protein”

Asking whether the hosts know how much fibre we need to have a day, each say they do not know. If you also don’t know, you’re not alone with the health expert saying that the “magic number” is 30. Adding: “Most people I see in clinic probably has between 10 and 15 grams a day.

“So in the UK we know that most people are falling quite short of that. So if you’re going to have a look at ways of increasing your fibre, whether that’s switching from white bread to brown bread or adding your Chia seeds into your food or having a few extra kiwis every day” it all helps and adds towards that magic 30.”

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