Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted last year for the scheme to sexually exploit minors for rich men. She was the main procurer of those minors for Jeffrey Epstein. The government claims that Epstein offed himself in his prison cell… while the guards weren’t paying attention, and all the cameras were off.

On June 28th, 2022, she was sentenced to what seems to be a near-life sentence of 240 months in prison. The US Attorney’s office said:

“Today’s sentence holds Ghislaine Maxwell accountable for perpetrating heinous crimes against children.  This sentence sends a strong message that no one is above the law and it is never too late for justice.  We again express our gratitude to Epstein and Maxwell’s victims for their courage in coming forward, in testifying at trial, and in sharing their stories as part of today’s sentencing.”

The government news release said:

“Since at least 1994, up to and including in or about 2004, GHISLAINE MAXWELL assisted, facilitated, and participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse victims known to MAXWELL and Epstein to be under the age of 18.  The victims were as young as 14 years old when they were groomed and abused by MAXWELL and Epstein, both of whom knew that their victims were in fact minors.”

It’s a total and complete coincidence that Epstein and Maxwell, both criminals arrested for sexual exploitation of young women, were friends of Bill Clinton and that Bill has had an insatiable appetite for young women. It’s all a weird coincidence.

Do you know who never testified at Maxwell’s trial? Any of the men on Epstein’s client list. That client list has never seen the light of day. Weird, I know. But don’t ask those uncomfortable questions

Maxwell has been sentenced and she’s been transferred to a prison cell. All good, except Maxwell’s cell isn’t out of The Shawshank Redemption — it’s more out of Club Fed. Her home now is in Florida at a minimum security prison called FCI Tallahassee. If you’re a “good person,” e.g., low-level, white-collar criminal or low-level narcotics convict, a service called “Pink Lady” can assist your efforts to get transferred to FCI Tallahassee. After all, it’s the Club Med of federal prisons.

While at FCI Tallahassee, Maxwell will enjoy amenities like pilates and yoga. Maxwell will have the run of the “yard,” where she will have not a care in the world about being shanked, according to sources.

Maxwell can spend up to $360 each month at the prison commissary. She can indulge in such luxury items as collagen elastin facials (for the low, low prison price of $6.22), and more mundane items like snacks – but Epstein’s gal can buy Nutella for less than 5 bucks, and smoked gouda spread for $1.80. Life is rough for Maxwell.

She’s been a good Clinton crony. She was, after all, invited to Chelsea’s wedding, so keeping it zipped has been one of her “strong points.” Does she know where the client list is, and who is on it? Of course she does.

Anyone think Maxwell will spend 240 weeks at Club Fed Med? I give her two weeks before she mysteriously murders herself while all the guards are preoccupied and the cameras are off. Clintons and suicide seem to go together like bacon and eggs.
