Convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell is speaking out from jail in an interview with the Daily Mail for an upcoming documentary, saying she “feels so bad” for the disgraced Prince Andrew and misses her “special friendship” with former president Bill Clinton. She did not, however, spill the beans on what other rich and famous men may have been involved in the late Jeffrey Epstein’s perverse world of pedophilia and power.

The 60-year-old former socialite is serving a 20-year sentence at Tallahassee’s Federal Correctional Institute after she was sentenced in June for her role in helping Epstein to procure underage women.

Bill Clinton, however, probably wishes she’d just stay quiet because the last thing he presumably wants is for this sordid tale to be in the news cycle again. Maxwell remembers Clinton, who often flew on Epstein’s private jet (known as the “Lolita Express“), with fondness:

It was a special friendship, which continued over the years.

We had lots in common. I feel bad that he is another victim, only because of his association with Jeffrey.

Oh boy, Hillary is not going to like that. “Special friendship” sounds really creepy, especially when coming out of the mouth of a convicted sex offender. And how pathetic to call Clinton another victim; he spent a lot of time with a known pedophile and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him?

Prince Andrew, younger brother of King Charles III, was caught up in the scandal when a woman named Virginia Roberts (now Virginia Giuffre), claimed that the Prince had sex with her when she was only 17. This photo of Andrew, Ghislaine, and Giuffre has been haunting him ever since:

Maxwell is now claiming the photo is fake, telling the Daily Mail:

At this time, I no longer believe that to be a true image, and I don’t believe that it is what it appears to be….

There are so many things that are wrong with it. As soon as my appeal is over, I will be very happy to discuss it with you.

That’s a little hard to believe, though, as Giuffre and multiple experts have denied the photo has been altered. The jailed Ghislaine also feels sorry for the prince, who was forced to step down from public duties after he gave a disastrous interview in 2019 in which he claimed he had “no recollection” of ever meeting Giuffre.

Yes, I follow what is happening to him. He is paying such a price for the association with Jeffrey Epstein. I care about him, and I feel so bad for him.

Maxwell goes on to describe how her life has been ruined by her association with Epstein:

I said in open court in my statement that meeting Jeffrey Epstein was the greatest mistake of my life.

And obviously, if I could go back today and I would avoid meeting him, and I would say that would be the greatest mistake I’ve ever made, and I would make different choices for where I would work. Obviously.

I think there are many women who can identify with my story. Many have either fallen in love with or had relationships with men that in hindsight they look back on and say ‘What was I thinking?’ I imagine there’s not a woman on the planet who would not think that about one or other of their boyfriends.

She doesn’t stop there, whining about the conditions in jail and just generally feeling sorry for herself. The interview seems almost fawning in tone, and at times reads more like two people having a friendly coffee than a discussion with someone who lured underage girls to be sexually abused by rich and powerful men. Ghislaine Maxwell wants you to feel sorry for her, but I’m doubting many folks will.

Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, meanwhile, just wish she’d stop talking.

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