Furious Melanie Foulkes, 42, made the shock discovery shortly after Philip Healey abruptly vanished from their home

Furious Melanie Foulkes, 42, made the shock discovery shortly after Philip Healey abruptly vanished from their home

Furious Melanie Foulkes, 42, made the shock discovery shortly after Philip Healey abruptly vanished from their home

A jilted lover glassed her partner in the face in a violent pub brawl after learning he had fathered a child with another woman.  

Furious Melanie Foulkes made the shock discovery shortly after Philip Healey abruptly vanished from their home.

The 42-year-old spotted the disappearing Mr Healey a week later in a pub in north Wales, after attending a women’s darts match nearby.

‘Fuelled by alcohol‘, Foulkes smashed a half-pint glass into Mr Healey’s face – sparking a vicious brawl involving the darts team.

Her sister Shaynee Foulkes, 40, joined in the melee, along with Shaynee’s 19-year-old daughter Shauna Tooke.

Yesterday Melanie was jailed for eight months for her part in the melee.

Sister Shaynee was given a suspended sentence, while her daughter Shauna is due to be sentenced next month.

Mold Crown Court heard how the women had all been involved in a darts match at the Cross Foxes pub in Prestatyn, north Wales, on January 5 last year.

Prosecutor Jude Tufail said both teams agreed to move on to The North on Wellington Road, Rhyl, arriving at the venue around 10.30pm.

Shaynee Foulkes (pictured), 40, joined in the melee and was given a suspended sentence

Shaynee Foulkes (pictured), 40, joined in the melee and was given a suspended sentence

Shaynee's daughter Shauna (pictured) was also involved and is due to be sentenced next month

Shaynee's daughter Shauna (pictured) was also involved and is due to be sentenced next month

Shaynee Foulkes (pictured left), 40, joined in the melee, along with her 19-year-old daughter Shauna Tooke (pictured right)

But during the evening Melanie Foulkes, who had been drinking, spotted Mr Healey.

Elen Owen, defending, said her client had been in a relationship with Mr Healey and had been living with her.

But she said Mr Healey ‘suddenly disappeared’ the week before the incident.

Ms Owen said Melanie Foulkes found out he had fathered a child with someone else and her ’emotions and anger (were) fuelled by alcohol’.

The court heard Foulkes hit him in the face with a half-pint glass, causing it to smash.

Bar steward Lee King then tried to break up the melee, but was also assaulted by Melanie Foulkes and Tooke, leaving him with a cut on his head.

The prosecutor said Mr King pushed the women towards the door, but Tooke punched another woman in the head six times during the chaos which ensued.

After ‘a great struggle’ Mr King removed the defendants from the pub and locked the door. 

Prosecutor Jude Tufail said both teams agreed to move on to The North on Wellington Road, Rhyl, arriving at the venue about 10.30pm

Prosecutor Jude Tufail said both teams agreed to move on to The North on Wellington Road, Rhyl, arriving at the venue about 10.30pm

Prosecutor Jude Tufail said both teams agreed to move on to The North on Wellington Road, Rhyl, arriving at the venue about 10.30pm

Ms Owen said Melanie Foulkes, of Prestatyn, north Wales, who pleaded guilty to two counts of occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) and one count of affray, was genuinely remorseful

She was jailed for eight months.

Shaynee Foulkes, of St Asaph, north Wales admitted affray. The judge gave her a six-month jail term, suspended for two years.

She must also undertake 20 days of rehabilitation activity and do 120 hours of unpaid work.

Tooke, also of St Asaph, north Wales, will be sentenced on February 22.

His Honour Niclas Parry called it a ‘disgraceful incident of serious violence’.

He said Melanie Foulkes was the instigator but that Shaynee Foulkes ‘punched and slapped’ Mr Healey several times. 


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