It’s December 24, Christmas Eve. You’ve marked off every gift you planned to give on your Christmas list — and checked it twice, of course. But there’s one you may have forgotten or didn’t consider until now: a subscription for RedState VIP… to yourself.

Before you decide to move along, reader, let me mention that the special motivation behind writing this piece is because I did just this a few days back.

But I did more than that.

Here’s why I’m a proud, new VIP Gold member.

Since I’m a copy editor with RedState, as well as a contributor, let’s start here. If there’s a more enriching, surprising, delightful array of writers at a right-of-center news publication, I don’t know about it. And what you see day after day and week after week on the homepage – or in a twice-daily newsletter – only scratches the surface of what my friends and colleagues are capable of!

For example, did you know the prolific Brad Slager writes about…the history of varied and sundry alcoholic beverages (see: Dipsology — Beyond The Basics)? Yeah, he does. But did you also know he has a weekly podcast riffing on media malpractice? Subscribers do.

RedState also has a secret weapon in our back pocket known as “Andrew Malcolm,” a veteran news guy (who’s also a wonderful man). And not only does he write a regular, Sunday column for subscribers, “Malcolm On The Right,” he more recently began a series of mini-audio commentaries peppered throughout the week (listen to the most recent episode from Friday here). You can’t check out his fun and thought-provoking work in those pieces, unless you’re with us as a part of VIP.

We have a cartoonist, Jim Thompson, too. He makes funny cartoons. And writes commentary on sports, the law, and whatever else he likes. On Christmas Eve, he wrote a take-off on Charles Dickens’ famous, ghostly Christmas story.

But then, the elephant in the room, for some people might be below.

Why get a GOLD subscription?

Trust me, I get it. It costs a little more per month than the RedState VIP membership alone. But there’s something satisfying about being able to dip into any of the Townhall Media platforms, whether that’s Townhall, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms, or PJ Media. And if we’re doing our jobs, you’ll find news or commentary (or both) about whatever current topic you fancy. And right now, it’s half the usual price. Being budget-conscious is a good thing!

Now, consider these few suggestions below as just a starter platter; it’s not meant to stand in for your own, four-course meal of Townhall Media morsels.

When you read, you’re naturally going to gravitate to seeking out stories from Katie Pavlich and Kurt Schlichter. Me, too! But again, there are more voices sharing their takes on the Republican Party and conservatism at the site you might not have noticed at first glance. Here are some of the extra things I’m excited to soak in going forward.

Want to tune in to what the great Matt Vespa and Storm Paglia think about the latest news? It’s right at your fingertips, on “Triggered”!

Or read Matt’s latest deep-dive? Don’t take my word for it; Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey pointed out this one:

Speaking of Hot Air, you need to read Morrissey‘s and Karen Townsend‘s work, and more over there. Find their excellent VIP selections here.

Lastly, if PJ Media were a major league pitcher, it would have more different kinds of pitches at its disposal than you’re prepared for. I think the site was the first place I became acquainted with the amazing Professor Glenn Reynolds and his Instapundit resource. If you use it regularly, you know it’s just chockful of easy to grasp, well, interesting stuff about everything going on out there. And recently, editor Stephen Kruiser’s “Morning Briefing” column has been a morning staple, like a fresh cup of keto coffee. And the deep-dive investigative pieces, whether reviewing the ongoing madness on the West Coast by my colleague Victoria Taft, in her “West Coast, Messed Coast” series, or culture writing by Robert Spencer.

But it’s in the VIP area that you’re going to find — like at RedState and all of our platforms — you are only seeing a tiny glimpse of the great content we want to engage with you over. Do not miss out on what’s going on at our Townhall Media sites.

Join VIP! Remember that the 50% off special runs only through 11;59 p.m. Pacific time on January 1, 2023, and the promo code is “MERRYCHRISTMAS.”

And a very merry Christmas to everyone, too!
