On Monday, news broke that Missouri GOP Senate Candidate Eric Greitens was accused of domestic abuse in an affidavit filed by his ex-wife, Sheena Chestnut Greitens, in connection with an ongoing custody dispute. The affidavit asserts that Eric Greitens “threatened to use his political connections and influence in order to destroy her reputation to win custody of the children.” Further, it alleges that Eric Greitens was physically violent towards both Sheena Greitens and the couple’s then-three-year-old son.

This, as you might expect, caused quite a stir in and around Missouri politics and prompted the other candidates vying to replace Roy Blunt in the US Senate to issue statements calling for Greitens to drop out of the race and/or face criminal prosecution.

As we reported, Greitens has denied the claims, called Sheena Greitens “deranged,” and contends that the allegations are connected to Mitch McConnell, stemming from Greitens’ vow to vote against McConnell as leader should he win the seat.

On Tuesday, Sheena Greitens issued a brief statement via her Twitter account:

“I stand by my sworn statements,” Sheena Greitens begins. “I did not discuss the contents of my affidavit with anyone other than my counsel and, after the affidavit was filed, my immediate family. My only interest is what’s best for my two children, and for the last four years, I have gone to great lengths to keep these family matters private to protect them. I am not interested in litigating this matter anywhere other than the courtroom. At the appropriate time in the legal process, I will provide whatever evidence and documentation the court requests, including testimony under oath.”

It may well be Sheena Greitens’ desire that the dispute between herself and her ex-husband regarding their children be limited to the courtroom, but given the high profile office Eric Greitens is seeking and the notoriety surrounding his gubernatorial stint and subsequent resignation, that seems unrealistic. In fact, it is purportedly that desire which prompted the motion she filed with the court in Boone County, Missouri, seeking to transfer the case to Texas, where she now resides.

Interestingly, Eric Greitens’ counsel only moved to seal the court file after Sheena Greitens filed the motion and supporting affidavit. This, despite the fact that the case has been on file since April of 2020.

So, one can question Sheena Greitens’ motives. And, as noted previously, the allegations contained in the affidavit are simply that — allegations, at this point.

But one can also question the judgment of a man who embarks on an extramarital affair just as he’s preparing to announce his candidacy for a high-profile political office. And one can further question the judgment of a man who (having resigned from that political office amidst a scandal) enters another high-profile political race while in the midst of divorce/custody proceedings (over two young children) with the (ex)spouse on whom said man cheated in that very public extramarital affair.
