Gwyneth Paltrow said that she battled COVID-19 last year, and it left her with ‘long-term fatigue, body inflammation and brain fog.’

‘I had COVID-19 early on, and it left me with some long-tail fatigue and brain fog,’ the 48-year-old actress said in a Goop piece. ‘In January, I had some tests done that showed really high levels of inflammation in my body.’ 

Paltrow, who starred in the 2011 pandemic thriller Contagion, said that after her diagnosis, she sought care and guidance from the functional medicine practitioner Dr. Will Cole. 

The latest: Gwyneth Paltrow said that she battled COVID-19 last year, and it left her with 'long-term fatigue, body inflammation and brain fog'

The latest: Gwyneth Paltrow said that she battled COVID-19 last year, and it left her with 'long-term fatigue, body inflammation and brain fog'

The latest: Gwyneth Paltrow said that she battled COVID-19 last year, and it left her with ‘long-term fatigue, body inflammation and brain fog’

‘After he saw all my labs,’ she said, ‘he explained that this was a case where the road to healing was going to be longer than usual.’ 

The Shakespeare in Love star said that she’s been taking care of herself with an enhanced focus on self-care while refraining from consuming sugar or alcohol, with a new regimen to combat the aftereffects of the virus.

‘Everything I’m doing feels good, like a gift to my body,’ the Oscar-winning actress said. ‘I have energy, I’m working out in the mornings, and I’m doing an infrared sauna as often as I can, all in service of healing.’

She said that in the wake of the debilitating battle, adjustments of ‘cleaning up [her] diet’ and ‘exercise, and even thought patterns … left [her] feeling energized, healthier, and – believe it or not – wanting more.’ 

Paltrow said that for her diet, she’s ‘been doing a version of a protocol’ Cole has line up that’s ‘keto and plant-based but flexible,’ as she’s ‘been having fish and a few other meats’ and fasting ‘until 11 a.m. every day.’ 

The actress is also taking a series of supplements including Butyrate, which supports a healthy gut, and her daily $90 Madame Ovary supplement from her brand Goop.

She is also taking her $60 G.Tox Detoxifying Superpowder, which she mixes with water and takes morning and night.  

Focused: The Shakespeare in Love star said that she's been taking care of herself with an enhanced focus on self-care while refraining from consuming sugar or alcohol

Focused: The Shakespeare in Love star said that she's been taking care of herself with an enhanced focus on self-care while refraining from consuming sugar or alcohol

Focused: The Shakespeare in Love star said that she’s been taking care of herself with an enhanced focus on self-care while refraining from consuming sugar or alcohol 

On the mend: Paltrow said she has been invigorated by a revamped regimen following her diagnosis. She was pictured relaxing in a social media post last month

On the mend: Paltrow said she has been invigorated by a revamped regimen following her diagnosis. She was pictured relaxing in a social media post last month

On the mend: Paltrow said she has been invigorated by a revamped regimen following her diagnosis. She was pictured relaxing in a social media post last month

What is long Covid?

Most coronavirus patients will recover within a fortnight, suffering a fever, cough and losing their sense of smell or taste for several days.

However, evidence is beginning to show that the tell-tale symptoms of the virus can persist for weeks on end in ‘long haulers’ — the term for patients plagued by lasting complications.

Long term symptoms include:

  • Chronic tiredness
  • Breathlessness 
  • Raised heart rate
  • Delusions
  • Strokes
  • Insomnia
  • Loss of taste/smell
  • Kidney disease 
  • Mobility issues
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pains
  • Fevers 

UK researchers found in January that almost half of patients suffering from ‘long Covid’ say they are unable to fully return to work six months after their infection. 

Victims were most likely to still be plagued with fatigue, ‘brain fog’ or feeling unwell after attempting minor physical exercise. 

For those with more severe disease, Italian researchers who tracked 143 people who had been hospitalised with the disease found almost 90 per cent still had symptoms including fatigue two months after first falling unwell.

The most common complaints were fatigue, a shortness of breath and joint pain – all of which were reported during their battle with the illness. 



In addition to the supplements, Paltrow said that hiking has been a beneficial form of exercise for her. 

‘Moving your body and sweating out toxins makes an enormous difference, of course,’ Paltrow said. ‘But beyond the benefits of a sauna and even my favorite workouts, when I go for a hike, I know I’m getting something different – stimulating my brain and body in ways I can’t get otherwise. Nature heals, really!’

The actress is married to producer Brad Falchuk, 49, and is mother to teens Apple, 16, and Moses, 14, with ex-husband Chris Martin, 43. 

As of Tuesday, on a global level, 2,416,809 people have died amid more than 109,471,328 positive diagnoses worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. The death total for COVID-19 in the U.S. was at 487,714 people, with 27,748,253 total positive diagnoses. 



January 26, 2020: First CA case, third in US  

February 6, 2020: California sees first US COVID-19 death  

February 26, 2020: California confirms first US case of person-to-person transmission 

March 4, 2020: Governor Gavin Newsom declares a state of emergency in CA  

March 11, 2020: Newsom recommends gatherings be limited to 250 people or less  

March 15, 2020: Senior home visits restricted; bars and restaurant capacity reduced  y

March 19, 2020: Newsom issues statewide shelter-in-place order 

May 19, 2020: California’s deadliest day yet, with 132 fatalities 

May 25, 2020: Then-record 2,565 new cases reported on Memorial Day 

June 18, 2020: Newsom issues statewide mask order 

July 13, 2020: California businesses shuttered again as deaths hit 7,000 and cases surpass 320,000 

July 17, 2020: Newsom orders distance learning 

September 16, 2020: State positivity rate hits record low. California has 14,451 deaths and more than 760,000 cases 

November 15-16, 2020: Nonessential businesses ordered closed, masks mandated outside the home and 10pm curfew enacted 

December 3, 2020: Newsom orders lockdowns for regions where ICU bed capacity falls below 15%  

December 14, 2020: First vaccines arrive as California breaks record with 41,149 case in a day as death toll rises 157% in two weeks  

December 16, 2020: 0% ICU bed capacity in San Joaquin Valley and  Southern California; 21.188 deaths and 1.6 million cases 

December 24, 2020: California becomes the first state to record two million COVID-19 cases  

December 25, 2020: All five regions are at max ICU capacity 

December 29, 2020: California renews stay-at-home order indefinitely 

December 30, 2020: UK variant detected in California 

January 9, 2021: A record 695 people die in one day as death toll surpasses 28,000 and cases climb above 2.5 million 

January 25, 2021: stay-at-home order lifted 

February 10, 2021: California reports its first two cases of South African variant of coronavirus  


March 1, 2020: New York woman returning from Iran becomes state’s first COVID-19 case 

 March 5-6, 2020: COVID cases double overnight two days in a row, to 45 

March 18, 2020: Governor Andrew  Cuomo signs executive order for nonessential businesses to reduce workforce to 50% and have employees work from home as cases rise to 3,437 

March 19, 2020: Cuomo closes all nonessential businesses after cases spike to 8,300

March 23, 2020: New York City has 35% of all US covid cases with 12,000 infections; Cuomo orders hospitals to double their capacity 

March 31, 2020: Deaths in NYC surpas 1,000 

April 2, 2020: New York has more cases than China, with 92,381 and 2,500 deaths 

April 7, 2020: New York reports a record 1,723 deaths in a day 

April 14, 2020: NY starts counting probable deaths, driving the state’s toll up to 11,586 and bumping the national total up by 17% 

New hospitalizations hit a peak of 18,000 per day 

April 30, 2020: NYC subways are closed from 1am to 5pm to be disinfected 

May 20, 2020: New daily hospitalizations fall below 5,000 for the first time since the pandemic hit the state

June 1, 2020: Cuomo announces the first phase of reopening New York City on the 100th day of the outbreak. More than 376,000 cases have been detected, and more than 23,000 people have died   

June 6, 2020: Positivity rate falls below 0.25% in New York, and remains below 1%  

September 29, 2020: NYC elementary schools reopen

October 6, 2020: Cuomo instigates ‘micro-cluster’ shutdown strategy 

November 12, 2020: Cuomo institutes 10pm curfew for bars, gyms and restaurants

December 14, 2020: First coronavirus vaccine in the US given in New York  

December 23, 2020: Court ruling allows gyms to reopen at full capacity 

 January 27, 2021: Cuomo declares the holiday surge ‘over’ 

February 9, 2021: New York deaths surpass 45,000     





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