Human scalp hair does not grow continuously as every hair follicle undergoes different phases of growth. Having an untreated condition can halt hair growth and speed up the loss of hair. By treating the condition, one’s hair can resume its normal hair growth process.
Hair loss can occur when the thyroid gland is not working correctly.
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland situated in the lower front part of the neck.
It’s responsible for making thyroid hormones, which the body uses for energy, to stay warm, and to keep the organs and muscles working properly.
One of the most common thyroid-related problems result from an abnormal production of thyroid hormones and hypothyroidism involves insufficient amounts of the hormone.
Hair loss treatment: To promote hair growth, treating this condition first may help (Image: Getty Images)
The British Thyroid Foundation said: “Severe and prolonged hypothyroidism can cause loss of hair.
“The loss is diffuse and involves the entire scalp rather than discrete areas.
“The hair appears uniformly sparse and regrowth is usual with successful treatment of the thyroid disorder, though it will take several months and may be incomplete.
“Some forms of hypothyroidism come on abruptly and are diagnosed early, while others may have bene present for months or years before diagnosis.”
Hair loss due to thyroid disease becomes apparent several months after the onset of thyroid disease.
This is due to the long hair cycle.
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In such cases, paradoxically the hair loss may follow the treatment for the thyroid and the thyroid medication may be erroneously blamed, leading to withdrawal of treatment, which in turn may worsen the hair loss.
Hair loss treatment: Having an issue with your thyroid may also impact your weight (Image: Getty Images)
Medical News Today added: “The thyroid hormone plays an essential role in the development and maintenance of the hair follicles.
“Follicles are the small pockets under the skin form which hair grows.
“Severe or prolonged hypothyroidism may result in hair loss.
“When the body has too much or not enough thyroid hormone, it can shock the system into a state of telogen effluvium which is a scalp disorder where the hair roots enter the resting stage of the hair cycle too early.”
Hair loss is also a possible side effect of some antithyroid drugs including methimazole.
GP’s prescribe antithyroid drugs to help treat an overactive thyroid.
It’s worth noting that hair loss, as well as hypothyroid symptoms are nonspecific and might be due to other conditions as well.
Therefore, it’s important a person visit their GP to have their thyroid levels checked before a diagnosis can be made.
Problems with your thyroid also affects a person’s weight and makes it more difficult to lose fat.
Source: Daily Express