Happy Mother's Day 2023: 5 Exercises For Expecting Mothers To Stay Active

Here’s a guided list of practical home exercises that are entirely safe for pregnant women.

Happy Mother’s Day 2023: Every woman has different experiences depending on their body type. They go through various lifestyle changes during this magical time, followed by multiple alterations in weather conditions. Besides constant medical attention, specific dietary and lifestyle regulations are essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Today, most women are keen to maintain fitness during pregnancy, unlike in previous times when family members advised expected mothers to avoid physical activities, including household chores. While not every workout routine suits pregnant women, they should opt for a specific exercise regimen that will care for both mother’s and baby’s health, as doctors and certified fitness trainers suggested.

Priyanka Jhunjhunwala – Personal Training – Strength and Conditioning – Advance Plus Coach shares a guided list of practical home exercises that are entirely safe for pregnant women.

  1. Asanas: Selective Asanas like Bhadrasana (Butterfly pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Marjariasana (Cat Pose/Cow Pose), and Shavasana (Corpse Pose) are part of Prenatal yoga, which is a safe type of exercise, specially designed for pregnant women. Practising prenatal asanas has immense benefits for the mother and the baby by focusing on breathing techniques and gentle stretching. Besides helping with flexibility (especially asanas that work on the pelvic area), expecting mothers practising asanas enjoy a calming effect on their bodies and can further de-stress themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally.
  2. Brisk walking (spending more time with lesser intensity in later trimesters): Walking is another ideal physical activity during pregnancy that offers the mother and child numerous health benefits. Brisk walking is a low-impact exercise for expecting mothers anywhere around the neighbourhood/park. Walking will help reduce the risk of complications throughout the nine months and during delivery.
  3. Weight Training: Weight Training during pregnancy comes with various benefits. It strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, helping prevent the lower back pain common during pregnancy. It also helps build stamina, which is handy during labour and delivery. Weight lifting helps keep the pregnancy weight gain within a healthy range for your body.
  4. Swimming: Swim during pregnancy without any chances of the mother’s and baby’s injury or pressure on joints. Finding a stroke that gives comfort without putting strain on the neck, shoulders, and back shoulders is essential. Breaststroke is one swimming style that doesn’t rotate the torso and enables a phenomenal workout.
  5. Stationary biking: Instead of biking on a standard bike, expecting mothers can opt for stationary bicycles to prevent getting hurt by imbalances. However, this exercise is decently impactful and a good strengthening exercise for the thighs.

Tips For Doing Exercises During Pregnancy

  1. Before starting these strength training exercises, one should consult their doctor or health expert. As the pregnancy progresses, weight lifting might feel different (and even less comfortable) in the second and third trimesters compared to the first, which means regularly checking in with the doctor or fitness trainer about weight lifting is essential.
  2. Though becoming a mother is exciting for a woman, it can pose several challenges, like gestational diabetes and weight gain caused by a lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. Therefore, pregnant women need to take proper medications and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Workout intensity for pregnant women changes as per the trimesters. While regular (but not explosive) workouts can be done during trimester 1, it’s advisable to switch to safer machine-based exercises in trimester 2; trimester 3 demands the most attention and safety on the part of women. That’s why it’s always recommended to do seated strength training exercises like lat pulldowns, shoulder presses, bicep curls, lateral raises etc.

Final Words

Exercising during pregnancy offers remarkable health benefits for the mother and child. But expecting mothers with severe complications or circumstances should always consult a doctor before starting their prenatal workout regime. Moreover, those who exercise should never practise high humidity and exhaustion and avoid specific abdomen exercises.

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