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For those who pine for prominence in a Harvard law journal, your dreams just may come true — if you possess the proper self-perception.
That looks to be the case, given an application’s particulars.
Harvard Law School publishes a journal called Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review (CR-CL), described thusly online:
[CR-CL] is the nation’s leading progressive law journal. Founded in 1966 as an instrument to advance personal freedoms and human dignities, [it] seeks to catalyze progressive thought and dialogue through publishing innovative legal scholarship and from various perspectives and in diverse fields of study.
Revolution is at issue:
In recent years, CR-CL has published articles by professors, practitioners, and students on topics including zoning the homeless, political lawyering, and the right to revolution. These and other subjects continue to be some of the most exciting and rapidly developing areas of the law, and we believe that the dialogue provided by CR-CL and other progressive journals will help to shape the future.
As part of the school’s push for change, it’s making sure to promote the right types of writers. Hence, the official submission form demands to know the following:
- Name
- Pronouns
- Racial and Ethnic Identity
- Sexual Orientation
Might one’s sexuality carry them to the winner’s circle or keep them from making the cut? It would seem so.
Select “all that apply”:
- Homosexual, Gay, or Lesbian
- Bisexual or Pansexual
- Queer
- Questioning
- Heterosexual or Straight
- Asexual and/or Aromantic
- Prefer not to say
Gender Identity is also required. Among the options:
- Cisgender Woman
- Cisgender Man
- Transgender Woman
- Transgender Man
- Nonbinary
- Genderqueer or Gender Fluid
- Intersex
- Other
It may be worth noting that “intersex” is a birth anomaly, not an identity. Regardless, “identity” describes the age in which we live. It appears people’s checked boxes are more important than what they might have to say or do. “Diversity” is king — though not in terms of ideas.
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Harvard’s submission form also asks if hopeful writers can lay claim to any disabilities.
At the bottom of the document, applicants are given one last chance to win themselves publication:
Are there any other identities that you would like to highlight as relevant to your scholarship and/or voice as an author?
Are the articles any good? See for yourself via selections from the most recent installment:
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review is looking for crafty contributors. And if they happen to be disabled nonbinary pansexuals, perhaps that’s all the better.
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Find all my RedState work here.
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