
oi-Shivangi Karn

on November 24, 2021

Winter has approached and the temperature has started dropping. Over a cup of hot tea or a bowl of hot soup, there is one thing that most of us often miss out on: water.

During the months of winters, people often tend to miss their daily requirement of water due to reduced thirst sensation, making themselves prone to dehydration and other complications due to insufficient water in the body.

Photo Credit: Water photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com

According to a study, body fluid losses in winters or cold climates can be similar to those in hot climates and therefore, can result in dehydration if water is not consumed as per the required amounts. [1]

Also, one should avoid drinking coffee or tea to make for their water quantity in the body as these drinks are diuretics and can cause loss of water instead of hydrating the body.

In this article, we will discuss some of the amazing benefits of drinking more water during the winter season. Take a look.

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1. Keeps You Warm

Studies say that loss of water in both cold and hot climates are almost similar. This is because as hot weather in summers cause loss of water from the body, similarly, factors like physical work, exposure to extreme cold, respiratory water losses and mental stress can cause body fluid loss during winters and lead to disturbance in body’s thermoregulation. Consumption of required amounts of water during winters can help keep the body warm by maintaining the body’s temperatures. [2]

2. Wards Off Laziness

During winters, the body often gets lazy and less energetic as it goes to energy-saving mode to carry out vital body functions. Water can help make one energetic by replenishing the loss of fluids and electrolytes in the body. It may also help prevent symptoms like fatigue which are the main signs of dehydration.

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3. Flushes Out Toxins

Water is a great system cleaner as it may help flush out toxins from the body. Though water does not directly neutralise the harmful wastes in the body, it is used by the kidneys and livers to filter toxins with the help of water. Therefore, when the body gets deprived of water, its functioning may get hampered leading to complications. So, no matter it is winter or summer, water is a must to filter out body harmful waste. [3]

4. Keeps The Skin Moisturised

The cold air and temperature of winters can absorb more water from the skin and cause dry skin, winter rashes, flaky skin or chapped skin. Problems related to dry skin can be painful and irritating, along with causing appearance problems. Therefore, to help the body cope up with this loss of water and prevent skin dryness, a healthy intake of water is necessary. Experts suggest drinking around eight glasses of water a day. This may help give your skin a fresh and healthy look. [4]

5. Helps Maintain Gastrointestinal Health

Cold temperature can alter the gut microbiota, reduce intestinal immunity and cause gastrointestinal problems like diarrhoea and inflammatory bowel diseases. Studies say that drinking water can positively affect the gut microbiota and decrease the risk of the aforementioned stomach problems. This makes drinking water essential during the winter season.

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6. Prevents Winter Weight Gain

Proper hydration of the body is linked to bodyweight loss mainly due to loss of body fats by lipolysis, a metabolic process in which cholesterols break down by hydrolysis and is used by cells for energy and heat regulation. Drinking water during winters can help prevent weight gain which is frequent during the season and can also help provide energy to the body. For best results, experts suggest switching to warm water. [6]

7. Keeps Immunity Intact

The immune system, in some ways, tend to get affected during the winters, thus affecting a person’s immune response and making it hard to fight off pathogens. Hydration influence immune functions to a great extent. It mainly helps in the internal body functions like maintaining body temperature, chemical reactions and transportation of nutrients. It also helps in the formation of saliva, lubrication between the joints, spinal cords, mucus membranes and eyes. When most of the body’s internal functions work well, immunity naturally increases. [7]

8. Helps With Breathing Problems

A study has shown that cold temperatures can lower the core body temperature, cause narrowing of the blood vessels in the respiratory tract and increase the risk of respiratory tract infections, leading to breathing difficulties [8]. Water creates pressure inside the blood vessels and helps maintain its shape, thus reducing breathing difficulties and the risk of respiratory infections. Helps with blood circulation.

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9. Treats Joint Pain And Muscle Stiffness

Winters often hamper the proper supply of blood in the body and cause increased pain in the joints and stiffness of muscles. Water is a great nutrient to maintain a supply of blood in the body and also balance the fluid in the joints and cartilages. It is one of the easiest ways to get relief from pain which is frequent during the winters.

10. Helps Fight Cough And Cold

Cough and cold are frequent during winters. Water, especially warm water, can help dissolve the mucous in the respiratory tract and nasal cavity and help clear it out. As aforementioned, water may also boost immunity and help fight off cough and cold viruses, thus relieving the symptoms.

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To Conclude

Though people often don’t feel the need to drink more water during the winters, its consumption must not be compromised. Water is a necessity in all seasons. Sometimes you may replace it with warm soups or herbal teas, however, the quantity of required amounts of water must be consumed for the proper functioning of the body and coping with the season.


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