High blood pressure affects about a third of all adults in the UK – but not everybody is aware that they’re at risk. If you’ve been diagnosed with the condition, which is also known as hypertension, you might want to consider adding more cherry juice to your diet, it’s been claimed.

High blood pressure is a serious medical condition that raises the risk of deadly heart disease or strokes.

Having hypertension puts extra stress on your heart and blood vessels.

If you have high blood pressure, making just small adjustments to your diet can have a major impact on your overall health.

One of the easiest ways to lower your blood pressure is to regularly drink cherry juice, it’s been claimed.

READ MORE: High blood pressure: The hot drink shown to slash risk of hypertension

“Cherry juice is one of the most effective natural remedies for high blood pressure,” she wrote on her website, MyLowerBloodPressure.com.

“Juice from tart Montmorency cherries are as effective at lowering blood pressure as some hypertensive drugs.

“Eat fresh cherries as a snack – the darker, sourer ones offer the greatest benefits – and add them to yoghurt, muesli and fruit salads. They’re also great when added to fruit juices and smoothies.

“For an on-going medicinal effect, drink Montmorency cherry juice, too. Just 60ml diluted with water, or added to other juices and smoothies is a great way to take your medicine.

There are several different types of fruit that help to protect against high blood pressure, she added.

Avocados could help some hypertension patients, as they’re rich in magnesium and vitamin E.

They also contain soluble fibre, which helps to reduce blood clots.

If you’d rather not add more avocado to your diet, you could simply start using avocado oil for frying or baking your foods.

Source: Daily Express

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