When it comes to living a life disease-free and to an impressive age, it does not always require leading a boring life. In fact, researchers have credited beer drinking to helping boost life longevity. How?

Gut bacteria experts from Amsterdam University identified strong Belgian beers like Hoegaarden as particularly potent sources of the probiotic yeast.

Crucially, a different strain of yeast is used during in-bottle fermentation compared with then used in more traditionally pulled pints.

It’s the presence of this particular strain of yeast which proves key as it not only converts sugar into alcohol but also produces acids capable of killing off potentially harmful bacteria.

Professor Eric Claassen, researcher on the study, said: “You are getting a stronger beer that is very, very healthy.

A study published in the journal Age and Ageing found a strong association between having a daily tipple and living to the age of 90.

The study also found that men and women who enjoyed a daily drink were up to 40 percent more likely to make it to their 90th birthday than those who rarely drank beer.

The benefits of beer drinking were only observed in those who stuck to one drink a day with no added benefits included in the more one drank.

Furthermore, the findings also differentiate between men and women, finding that drinking wine is most conducive to a long life for women and spirits like whisky, brandy or gin brought longevity benefits for men.

Source: Daily Express

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