A recent study has uncovered that simply adding more beans to your diet could have a transformative effect on your health.

Consuming two servings of beans daily is “significantly associated” with a lower BMI, reduced body weight, and a slimmer waistline, according to a recent study published in the Nutrition Journal.

The study also highlighted that regular bean eaters enjoy a higher quality diet, packed with essential nutrients often lacking in the average person’s meals, which contributes to a decreased risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as reported by SurreyLive.  

Those who include beans in their diet not only benefit from these health perks but also tend to adopt an overall healthier eating pattern, significantly reducing their chances of encountering these severe health issues.

As part of the study, participants were divided into five groups based on their total bean consumption, with group one consuming the most and group five rarely incorporating legumes into their meals.

The middle group had the lowest calorie contribution from beans, while group one reported an increased vegetable intake and group four consumed the most sweets and snacks.

Pinto beans, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans were the preferred choice of bean, with soybeans being excluded. Adults in groups one and two had significantly lower body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body weight values.

According to Everyday Health, a high-fibre, bean-rich diet increases satiation and reduces hunger, which aids weight loss.

The health experts explained: “Beans also stimulate the production of the gut hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), which slows gastric emptying and can help to suppress appetite, research has shown. All of these benefits may lead to weight loss. One study showed that a high-fibre, bean-rich diet was as effective as a low-carbohydrate diet for losing weight.”

EatingWell also agreed that consuming beans daily is not only “great for your health, providing plant-based protein and fibre,” but can also “aid in weight maintenance and improve gut health”.

Types of beans:

  • Pinto beans
  • Black beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Lima beans
  • Chickpeas

How to introduce more beans into your diet:

  • Have beans on toast for breakfast
  • Opt for a chicken and chickpea wrap for lunch
  • Roast a can of chickpeas for a healthy and crunchy snack
  • Make an edamame and veggie rice bowl for dinner, or swap in beans for meat, opting for a chickpea salad, roasted vegetables and black bean tacos or red bean lasagne
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