Another pro tip: “A trip to the library, grocery store, local pub, or movie theater can be life-saving, especially if it is not cooling off at night,” William Roberts, MD, director of the sports medicine program at the University of Minnesota Medical School, tells SELF. Because heat-related illness can happen due to heat exposure over time, getting these breaks from high temps can help lower your risk of getting sick, he explains.

What are some other safety tips to help you stay cool in the heat?

Getting into an air-conditioned space during extreme heat is the best way of protecting yourself against heat-related illness, Dr. Pryor says. But there are a few additional things you can do to try to minimize your risk if you’re not able to be in air conditioning at any given moment.

Choose your clothing carefully.

Go for lightweight, light-colored, and loose-fitting clothes (something like a cotton shirt or linen pants). Heavy, form-fitting clothing obviously won’t feel great when your skin desperately needs to breathe. Meanwhile, dark-colored clothes actually absorb the sun’s ultraviolet rays and can make you feel hotter, Dr. Pryor says.

Skip the electric fan when it’s really hot.

Remember, this is especially important when the indoor air temperature is tipping over 95 degrees. Using a fan could cause your body to gain heat once the indoor thermostat tips near this number. At this point, it’s important to seek out a space that provides A.C. if you can.

Focus on hydrating, even before you even go outside.

“If you are going to be outside in high heat, start hydrating early,” Dr. Young says. And if you know you’ll be out in the heat for a while, he recommends having a food or beverage that contains electrolytes—say, a salty snack or sports drink—before you head outdoors since the odds are high that you’ll lose a lot of them in your sweat. You need both water and electrolytes to maintain adequate hydration since minerals like sodium and potassium help keep fluid in your body’s cells, as SELF previously reported.

Keep tabs on how much water you’re drinking.

Dr. Pryor says it’s tough to give a specific water intake recommendation since each person loses water via sweat in different amounts at different rates. At baseline, though, women should generally strive to have 11.5 cups of fluids a day and men should aim for 15.5 cups, per the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

You likely reach for water when you feel parched but staying on top of hydration is crucial in hot and humid conditions, so keep sipping even when you don’t feel thirsty. (Having a reusable water bottle nearby can help a lot when you need the reminder.)

Dr. Pryor recommends paying attention to your pee, too. If it’s the color of lemonade or lighter, you’re good. If it’s the color of apple juice or darker, you probably need to drink more water. Another tip, per Dr. Conroy: Take it easy on alcohol and caffeinated drinks, as both can contribute to dehydration.

Rethink your dinner menu.

Your stove and oven give off a lot of heat and can make your space even steamier. Instead, if you’re able to, consider making a meal that requires no heat, like one of these no-cook dinners.

Shut out the sun.

If you don’t have shades or curtains, it’s not too late to invest. Natural light is a summertime perk, but curtains can help “block solar radiation from the sun from heating the air inside your home, effectively keeping your abode cooler,” Dr. Pryor says. The exact type you use is “unlikely” to make a significant difference, he adds, so use whatever works best for your home and budget.

Limit your time outdoors.

If you really want to venture outside, aim to do so when the day is at its coolest, like early in the morning (Dr. Pryor’s recommended time) or once the sun starts to set.

Cut down on strenuous exercise.

“Exercise is okay if you know how to reduce the time and intensity of the workout,” Dr. Roberts says. So, if you typically run three miles, you might instead run one or two during a cooler time of the day, have water with you or nearby, and take breaks to check in on how your body feels.

Protect yourself from UV rays.

When you’re outside, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 will help keep your skin safe from sunburn and heat rash, both of which can make your body feel hotter. (Don’t forget to reapply every two hours if you’re cooling off at the pool or at the beach!)

Take a cool shower or bath.

This kind of has an air conditioning effect, Dr. Pryor explains. Cool water helps lower your body temperature quickly—and feels great. This is also an important tip to keep in mind if you believe you or someone near you is dealing with a heat stroke situation, which is the most serious heat-related illness, the CDC says. In this scenario, a person’s body temperature will skyrocket and they may stop sweating altogether, in addition to the various symptoms mentioned above, like a fast pulse and dizziness or confusion. If you’re showing signs of heat-related illness or your symptoms are getting worse, Dr. Pryor says it’s time to call 911 or head to the emergency room.

Time is critical here: When a person is in this state, they need to take some crucial steps while waiting for help to arrive. Unneeded clothing should be removed, and they should get in a cool tub of water or in a cool shower, spray themselves down with a garden hose, mist themselves with cold water, or place some ice packs or cold, wet towels on their body—whatever method is nearby and helpful in aggressively lowering their body temperature.

This is the situation you should strive to avoid when a heat wave hits. The key thing to remember is “staying within your heat tolerance and not taking on new activities when it is really hot,” Dr. Roberts says. “If you feel overheated, stop and find a cool spot to rest.”


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