Road trips can be so fun and exciting. But if you are planning on a long drive, you will need to prepare to keep your kids (and yourself) entertained. You should bring out all the stops on this vacation. Here are popular car activities for every age group.
Play a Game
Obviously, you should try to keep your car entertained with fun travel games. These will involve mostly words and a thoughtful eye with your passengers. Twenty Questions is a classic game you can try out. The License Plate Game keeps people engaged with what is around them. I Spy is a great game for younger kids.
Source: https://blog.firsttimedriver.com/blog/games-to-play-on-long-road-trips/
For older kids and teenagers, you might consider buying them video games. This can take up a few hours of their drive on a single charge. If your family wants to do this, you should pack portable chargers for their systems to charge. Games are essential.
Listen to a Podcast
If you will be in the driver’s seat, you likely will not be able to play as many games. What you can do is stick in a headphone and listen to a podcast. They are safer to listen to than music while driving since they do not block out sound as well.
Podcasts are great for travel since they are often longer than an hour, and can cover nearly any topic. With nearly a million podcasts available to stream, there is bound to be something for you. Pick a hobby or topic that interests you, and download applicable podcasts onto your phone.
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Source: https://www.podium.com/article/legal-podcasts/
Read a Book
Another long-term form of entertainment is reading. Most people do not read as much as they want to, but with a long car ride, you have the perfect opportunity! Hit the classics, explore the stores, or start the book that has been on your nightstand for months. You could read a book about your travel destination to get yourself pumped for the trip. If you are driving, you might be able to take the podcast route and listen to your books digitally. Kindle, Audible, and several other services read your books to you, which might be your preferred method of storytelling.
Source: https://brainybackpackers.com/travel-books-to-fuel-your-wanderlust/
While your road trip is going to be fun when you get to your destination, you can make the journey just as fun. Find ways to prepare for the drive. Get your kids set up with games, movies, and books. Find the perfect podcast or audio books as the driver.
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Source: Top World Travels