Cocktail connoisseur Kurtis Bosley has teamed up with Boozebud to share how to make three delicious drinks that will quench your thirst this Easter long weekend.

The Sydney-based Mixologist and the online alcohol retailer have together created a Hot-Cross-Tini, an Easter Egg Negroni and an Easter Bunnie’s Knock Off. 

The alcohol and liqueur used in each of the three easy to make, Easter-themed cocktails is all available from online from Boozebud. 

Cocktail connoisseur Kurtis Bosley has teamed up with Boozebud to share how to make three delicious drinks that will quench you thirst this Easter long weekend

Cocktail connoisseur Kurtis Bosley has teamed up with Boozebud to share how to make three delicious drinks that will quench you thirst this Easter long weekend

Cocktail connoisseur Kurtis Bosley has teamed up with Boozebud to share how to make three delicious drinks that will quench you thirst this Easter long weekend

To make the Hot-Cross-Tini add 20mL of Brookies Macadamia and Wattleseed and 10mL of Morris Classic Liqueur Topaque into a cocktail shaker. 

Then pour 10mL of Licor 43 Vanilla, 5mL of Frangelico and 40mL of coffee into the shaker and ice, then shake for 10 seconds. 

Next strain the drink into a chilled martini glass and garnish the top off the drink with a cinnamon dust cross.

To make the Hot-Cross-Tini (pictured) add 20 mL of Brookies Macadamia and Wattleseed and 10 mL of Morris Classic Liqueur Topaque into a cocktail shaker

To make the Hot-Cross-Tini (pictured) add 20 mL of Brookies Macadamia and Wattleseed and 10 mL of Morris Classic Liqueur Topaque into a cocktail shaker

To make the Hot-Cross-Tini (pictured) add 20 mL of Brookies Macadamia and Wattleseed and 10 mL of Morris Classic Liqueur Topaque into a cocktail shaker

Recipe: Hot-Cross-Tini


  • 20mL Brookies Macadamia & Wattleseed
  • 10mL Morris Classic Liqueur Topaque
  • 10mL Licor 43 Vanilla 
  • 5mL  Frangelico
  • 40mL Coffee
  • Cinnamon dust 


  1. Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker.
  2. Add ice & shake for 10 seconds.
  3. Strain ingredients into a chilled martini glass.
  4. Garnish with a cinnamon cross on top.


To make the Easter Egg Negroni add 15mL of Four Pillars, 10mL of Continental Creme De Cacao Dark and 15mL of Martini Bitter into a mixing glass.

Next pour 15 mL of Maidenii Sweet Vermouth into the glass and add ice, then stir the drink for for 18 seconds. 

Then strain the ingredients into a glass over a block of ice and garnish with a chocolate egg for an extra Easter touch.   

To make the Easter Egg Negroni (pictured) add 15 mL of Four Pillars, 10 mL of Continental Creme De Cacao Dark and 15 mL of Martini Bitter into a mixing glass

To make the Easter Egg Negroni (pictured) add 15 mL of Four Pillars, 10 mL of Continental Creme De Cacao Dark and 15 mL of Martini Bitter into a mixing glass

To make the Easter Egg Negroni (pictured) add 15 mL of Four Pillars, 10 mL of Continental Creme De Cacao Dark and 15 mL of Martini Bitter into a mixing glass

Recipe: Easter Egg Negroni


  • 15mL Four Pillars
  • 10mL Continental Creme De Cacao Dark
  • 15mL Martini Bitter
  • 15mL Maidenii Sweet Vermouth 
  • Easter egg 


  1. Add all ingredients into a mixing glass.
  2. Add ice & stir for 18 seconds.
  3. Strain ingredients over block ice.
  4. Garnish with a chocolate Easter egg on top.




To make the Easter Bunnie’s Knock Off simply combine 20mL of Bati Coconut Rum, 20mL of Ginologist Summer Cup into a mixing glass. 

Then add 10mL of Mr Black Coffee Liqueur, five mL of Crawleys Cocktail Simple Syrup into the glass and stir for 18 seconds. 

Finally strain the drink over an ice cube into a glass and garnish with coconut flakes or chocolate chips. 

To make the Easter Bunnie's Knock Off (pictured) simply combine 20 mL of Bati Coconut Rum, 20 mL of Ginologist Summer Cup into a mixing glass

To make the Easter Bunnie's Knock Off (pictured) simply combine 20 mL of Bati Coconut Rum, 20 mL of Ginologist Summer Cup into a mixing glass

To make the Easter Bunnie’s Knock Off (pictured) simply combine 20 mL of Bati Coconut Rum, 20 mL of Ginologist Summer Cup into a mixing glass

Recipe: Easter Bunnie’s Knock Off 


  • 20mL Bati Coconut Rum
  • 20mL Ginologist Summer Cup
  • 10mL Mr Black Coffee Liqueur
  • 5mL Crawleys Cocktail Simple Syrup
  • Coconut flakes or Choc Chips


  1. Add all ingredients into a mixing glass.
  2. Add ice & stir for 18 seconds.
  3. Strain ingredients over block of ice.
  4. Garnish with Coconut/Choc Chips.



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