Another business jumps into the ring regarding gender.
For those unfamiliar with American Girl, the company was founded in 1986 and originally sold 18-inch dolls from different eras through the mail. In 1998, Mattel purchased the line for $700 million. Subsequently, stores sprouted in select locations around the world.
The upscale dolls now represent more diverse backgrounds in addition to time periods; each comes with a book written from that doll’s/fictional character’s perspective.
And a special book released by the brand is making headlines for its advice to girls aspiring to be “smart.” The 96-page A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image doesn’t just school youngsters on their bodies; it informs them of interventional options. As relayed by the Daily Mail, the manual educates kids on the new category of identification taking America by storm.
From its pages:
The way you show your gender to the world through clothes and behaviors is your gender expression. Your gender expression can be feminine, masculine, or somewhere in between — and it might change! Maybe you’ll experiment with bright dresses and long, feminine hairstyles. Or you might try baggy shorts, plaid shirts, and a buzzed haircut. Your gender expression should make you feel at home in your body.
But what if body parts don’t mesh with what’s inherently man- or womanish? Alterations are on the table:
[L]oving your body might feel a bit different than it does for a cisgender person. Parts of your body may make you feel uncomfortable and you may want to change the way you look. … That’s totally okay!
There is, the book advises, a medical means by which to fix what’s faulty:
If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity.
And though the child may require a doctor, she isn’t ill:
Being transgender is not an illness or something to be ashamed of. If you’re questioning your gender identity — or if you already know for sure that you’re trans or nonbinary — talk with an adult you trust, like a parent or school counselor. That person can connect you with a specially-trained doctor, who can help you and your family decide what’s best for your body.
If the reader suspects her parents won’t understand, she can contact others who will:
If you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you. Turn to the Resources on page 95 for more information.
A Smart Girl’s Guide isn’t Mattel’s first foray into social progressivism. See:
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Back to the book, it boasts a message from 22-year-old YouTube personality Jazz Jennings. Jazz is a biological male who was diagnosed with gender dysphoria at age five. The cofounder of the TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation explains, “Being transgender isn’t a medical transition. It’s a process of learning to love yourself for who you are.”
And a portion of parents are loving the book. A sampling from Amazon reviews:
- “Knowledge is power.”
- “Great for young girls.”
- “Great teaching tool.”
- “Good for girls to read independently.”
- “I was hard pressed to even think of anything this book could do better.”
It’s surely an increasingly popular response to the country’s latest sexual revolution — one encompassing ever-younger Americans as it grows.
We’ve arrived at an unprecedentedly complex place. Not so long ago, the category of “gender” didn’t exist; there was only sex. We were all, in effect, “nonbinary.” But now there’s a new layer of identity. And many companies are no longer satisfied to offer a product or service unencumbered by political messaging.
The culture war continues, and it’s currently inclusive of permanent medical procedures for young people. For the wokest among us — including those who used to simply sell dolls that gave girls glimpses of history — neutrality is not an option.
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