Stanley, 72, stopped focusing on himself after his wife died a few years ago. He recalled: “During that time, I focused on what was happening but not on myself. I didn’t look after myself as best as I could at the time.”
This is when he decided to join Slimming World, where he found an eating plan that worked for him and gave him the support he needed. “So I decided why not go for it and focus on me for the first time in a long time,” Stanley said.
The slimmer tried the Food Optimising eating plan where he could enjoy a homemade curry and spaghetti bolognese and still lose weight.
He explained: “I love that there’s no limit of what you can eat and no foods are banned.”
He continued: “I love my Slimming World group and Consultant Dee as it keeps me motivated, plus I enjoy seeing peoples’ success each week and smiles on their faces when they’ve done well.”
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Exercising wasn’t on Stanley’s agenda before his weight loss journey but since losing a few pounds, he found a love for the gym, walking, running, and bowling.
Stanley now goes to the gym three times a week during the winter months, and goes for daily walks or jogs every day in summer making sure he achieves 12,000 steps each time.
He explained: “I decided to increase my activity levels a little way into my weight loss journey as I realised I could do more.
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“I started walking and built this gradually over time which turned into a jog. I got a buzz after each activity, and it really helped me with my mental health.
“I like to be out of the house as much as I can and you can go into a world of your own when walking, or I like to call my daughter and chat with her while I’m out.
“I now spot regular people during my walks and give them a little nod or wave as I’m going along.
“In the last year, my cousin introduced me to flat green and crown green bowling and in the winter months, I go to the gym a few times per week to go on the treadmill and run between four to six miles.”
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Slimming World not only provides people with a personalised diet tailored to their needs and lifestyle, but they also offer a physical activity programme that supports people to become more active from their own personal starting point, at their own pace and whatever movement they enjoy.
The slimming club has “fully flexible” eating plans which can be personalised to suit anyone with easy and “budget-friendly” recipes.
The meal plans are designed to be “flexible, fuss-free and to work for all dietary requirements and preferences”.
Foods such as meat and poultry, eggs, pasta, rice, potatoes and dairy can still be consumed while on the diet, as long they’re cooked without fat or oil.
Source: Daily Express | Diet