As a TV chef creating delicious meals, it is no surprise that Jamie Oliver’s weight has fluctuated over the years. But at one point during his life, he changed his diet and lost two stone “quite quickly”. Here’s how he did it. 

For anyone looking to lose weight, one great place to start is by assessing the foods you’re eating regularly. 

This is something Jamie did, swapping meat for more vegetables. 

As a result, his body transformation happened “quite quickly”. 

The chef explained: “I pushed meat down, pushed veggie up, got more sleep and more movement. 

“I lost 12 kilos (two stone) quite quickly and I didn’t do it through not eating – I ate a lot, more than I used to.” 

READ MORE: Holly Willoughby weight loss: TV star’s go-to exercises

Seaweed also contains fucoxanthin, which is thought to help increase metabolism.

The TV chef spoke to Daily Mail about the benefits of eating the green vegetable back in 2015: “I thought seaweed was hippy, globetrotting stuff but our ancestors ate seaweed. It’s the most nutritious vegetable in the world.”

To add to this, Jamie also cut back on alcohol.

He commented: “Your average Brit drinks booze. I’m not telling you what to do, but my rhythm now is only to drink at the weekend.” 

“Previously, if I organised training in my time, I hated it. But then I was like, why is it that I can get up for a 3.30am call and be on set and smash the shit out of it and yet getting to the gym is too hard? 

“So I just shifted it so that the gym was on the way to work and it was part of the working day. 

“The minute I did that I got really good at it. It’s totally mental. 

“It’s not about getting it right all the time, in fact, it’s absolutely vital that you don’t get it right all of the time. You’ve just got to get it right most of the time,” he told Men’s Health. 

Source: Daily Express | Diet