Jill Biden spent the weekend in Massachusetts raising money for the DNC and speaking to the American Federation of Teachers national convention. In Nantucket on Saturday, she spoke at a DNC fundraiser and painted her husband as a man who dreams big but was mugged by reality when he came into office as president. Yes, really. Jill Biden wants Democrats to think that her husband, a career politician with almost 50 years of experience in elected office, can’t get his “hopes” accomplished because of “the problems of the moment.”

Forgive me for saying so but Hunter Biden may be right about something – Jill Biden isn’t very bright. Can you imagine any other first lady speaking at a fundraiser for a party’s national organization and admitting what a failure the president is? She runs cover for his failures with the lame excuse that reality keeps getting in the way of his plans. To quote Boris Johnson, “Them’s the breaks.” Does she think this is a unique problem that only Joe has had to face?

‘[The President] had so many hopes and plans for things he wanted to do, but every time you turned around, he had to address the problems of the moment,’ she told donors at the event.

‘He’s just had so many things thrown his way,’ she added.

Poor guy, right? Please. Every president and his agenda is at the mercy of world events. The main problem in the Biden administration is Joe Biden himself. He is not up to the job of running the country. His policies have been nothing but failures domestically and internationally. The “problems of the moment” are mostly of Biden’s own making. It’s true that he’s faced dealing with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine but even then his response was slow and weak. He only stepped up and offered assistance and support to Zelensky when he was essentially shamed into it by other world leaders. When Joe Biden tries to brag about how he brought together the NATO countries to support Ukraine, just remember it was French President Macron who was doing the work behind the scenes in bringing together NATO countries.

‘Who would have ever thought about what happened [with the Supreme Court overturning] Roe v. Wade? Well, maybe we saw it coming, but still we didn’t believe it,’ she said. ‘The gun violence in this country is absolutely appalling. We didn’t see the war in Ukraine coming.’

Gun violence has been a problem faced by presidents for decades, Jill. Roe v Wade? Everyone got a heads-up when Alito’s draft decision was leaked.

After complaining about the real world and how it affects her husband’s performance she tepidly tried to boost the morale of Democrats who see the writing on the wall in the midterm elections in November. She blasted Republicans for sticking together “for good or evil.” It seems to be impossible for either Jill or Joe to give a speech without calling Republicans evil. Whatever happened to all the unifying Joe Biden was going to do for the country?

‘I know there are so many nay-sayers who say we’ll get slammed in the midterms. Okay. The Republicans are working hard, they stick together, for good or evil. So, we just have to work harder,’ Jill Biden said.

And, she threw in her own agenda into the mix. She can’t get anything done, either. There is no doubt that Jill is the Edith Wilson of this administration. She is aggressively ambitious.

‘I was saying to myself, ‘Okay, I was Second Lady. I worked on community colleges. I worked on military families. I’ve worked on cancer.’ They were supposed to be my areas of focus. But then when we got [in the White House,] I had to be, with all that was happening, the First Lady of the moment.’

Jill Biden visited the American Federation of Teachers’ 87th biennial national convention in Boston on Friday. Her focus was on unions.

“Underestimate the power of this coalition at your own risk,” she said. “We will fight for the communities we care about and we will never give up because that’s who we are.”

“Teaching has become so much harder, but you don’t quit,” Biden said. “You show up to work, like I do, with a granola bar because you know that someone in your class is going to be hungry. You keep your voice calm when you explain active shooter drills and how you teach your kids to stay quiet when they have to hide under their desk — even though a part of you breaks into pieces each time.”

She said that schools are “where policies become people” and encouraged attendees to get involved in their local government, go out to vote in “races at every single level,” and stand up for justice and equity.

“All of us have a teacher voice for when things go off the rails, and now is the time to use it,” Biden said. “We have to come together as AFT always has, and demand to be heard.”

Jill is encouraging more political activism from teachers, as though there is a lack of that. Good heavens. Randi Weingarten, the president of the AFT, was a huge player during the pandemic in keeping schools closed for almost two years. The damage done by teachers unions to school children will take years, if ever, to overcome. Grooming children in schools to normalize the social agenda of teacher unions is another travesty that parents have to deal with, thanks to the AFT and other teacher organizations.

The polls speak for themselves. In the latest Fox poll, 72% of Independent voters disapprove of Biden performance in office. While Jill was speechifying in Massachusetts, Joe was epically failing in the Middle East. He went hat in hand to the Saudis to beg for oil, despite whatever he says, and came home empty-handed. He ignored the strategic partnership with the Saudis for 17 months and now they are not inclined to play ball with his requests. The only success from his trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia was The Jerusalem U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration.

When do we all admit that Joe Biden’s presidency is an exercise in elder abuse? He clearly is not calling the shots and is being bossed around by staff who are on the far-left of the political spectrum. His candidacy was out of pure vanity and his wife clearly pushed him along. The world sees that he is failing physically and mentally. Having Kamala waiting in the wings is no comfort.
