Every once in a while an unhinged rant or incident comes along that perfectly embodies the warped mindset of the modern left to the extent that it must be documented for the record for when they inevitably circle back and falsely proclaim they were totally misunderstood.
Such has been the case recently for Jimmy Kimmel, who never wastes an opportunity to paint Republicans with the same stereotypical, lazy broad brush we’re used to being painted with by so-called “comedians” who work in posh studios where LED signs instructing the audience to applaud and laugh at “jokes” that aren’t remotely funny feature prominently.
Kimmel, who back in September infamously showed us who he really is in a vicious rant where he unapologetically advocated for the unvaccinated to be refused an ICU bed in overcrowded hospitals even if they were gasping their last breaths, has taken to attacking GOP Senators who had the nerve to criticize Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson for refusing to define what the word “woman” means.
The late-night talk show host seems to have taken particular issue with the female Republican Senator who asked the question – Tennessee’s Marsha Blackburn. I’ll get to why this is significant in just a moment, but let’s take a look at what Kimmel has said about Blackburn’s line of questioning during two recent shows, with bolded emphasis added by me.
On his March 23rd program, Kimmel said “The award for most original question of the week so far goes to Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, who is the only Republican woman on the Judiciary Committee. And yet is still trying to figure out what that word means.”
After playing the exchange between Blackburn and Jackson, Kimmel piped in again with his own answer.
“Hold on. I know the answer. ‘You are a horrible woman,’” Kimmel stated. “Is that–? And then, of course, Cancun Cruz had to get in on the action. He loves talking at these things and he really wants to know what a woman is too.”
Kimmel, who was clearly very incensed that a woman who is in line to sit on the highest court in the land where cases about women’s rights and gender identity politics will inevitably get decided was getting asked this question, later took another cheap shot at Cruz in the context of what he (Kimmel) called Blackburn’s “disgusting question.”
“What a slug of a human being,” Kimmel raged at the time. “I mean, this poor lady had to sit there and listen to this pontificating from a man who wipes back to front.”
On Monday night, nearly two weeks after he called Blackburn a “horrible woman” for wanting an answer to the “disgusting question” from her and a “slug” like Ted Cruz, Kimmel again went after Blackburn, and this time the sexism was on full display.
“[Blackburn was] the one who asked the judge to define the word ‘woman.’ She was very proud of herself for that one and weighed in on this important non-issue again this afternoon.”
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After Kimmel played a clip of Blackburn explaining the importance of a prospective SCOTUS Justice being able to answer the question, he then absurdly claimed Blackburn was trying to set women back 50 years.
“Yeah, you know the people I’m trying to set back 50 years? Those are the victims of this campaign,” Kimmel whined. “Maybe less worried about the word ‘woman’ and pay more attention to the people who are them. I don’t know. And also you might want to think about a little dry shampoo in that hair.”
You know, I know comedy is supposed to be edgy, cross lines, and piss people off at times, but it was astonishing to me that Kimmel – who is purportedly a “man” but the jury is still out on that one – didn’t seem to realize he was doing to Blackburn exactly what was being done to women a century and more ago by men: telling them to shut up talking about supposedly irrelevant matters (“non-issues” to Kimmel) and to know their place.
It was particularly ironic that the subject matter, in this case, was Blackburn, a woman, trying to get a straight answer from Jackson on how she defined “woman,” because Blackburn is well aware of the dangerous path this country is now on with regard to the erasure of women courtesy of aggressive efforts by the radical left to allow men who identify as women into women’s sports, their dressing rooms, locker rooms, women’s shelters, award ceremonies, etc.
As I’ve said before, it’s amazing to me that here we are in 2022 and the same scenarios women saw play out with brutal regularity in the old days are happening again now, except now it’s happening under the banner of “wokeness”
Any woman – even those who have been highly regarded in the past as feminist and/or LGBT icons – who speaks out against the allowance of biological males in women’s sports and other aspects of their lives gets told to be quiet, sit down, and stay in their lane – and the shutuppery is coming from the very side of the aisle who just a few years ago repeatedly shouted through their megaphones about how the GOP was waging a “war on women” because of pro-life bills and judges who appeared to share that philosophy who were being confirmed.
The real “war on women” is in the transgender/identity politics debate, where outspoken women or women who want to speak out but who are afraid to are once again being patted on the head and silenced by men – “feminist” men on the left, their Useful Idiot female counterparts like AOC, as well as transgender women who were born males.
As disgusting as Kimmel’s commentary was, we can at least thank him for one thing: Reminding us again of who leftists really are.
Related: So, Has Ketanji Brown Jackson Consulted With a Biologist Yet?