Josh Duggar and his wife, Anna Duggar, appeared to be living inside a warehouse on the Duggar family property for months before federal agents raided a car lot owned by Josh. During the investigation, which later led to a conviction on two child pornography charges, the 33-year-old used car salesman revealed that he, and his wife, were renovating a home close to his family’s sprawling acreage. The couple’s “dream home” wasn’t new to the Duggar family. Family followers recently uncovered a clip that proves the couple’s dream home was originally a part of Jim Bob Duggar’s expansive real estate portfolio. 

Josh Duggar told investigators that he was renovating a home for his family 

Before the Department of Homeland Security raided Josh Duggar’s car lot, the 33-year-old former reality TV star made some real estate moves. Before the investigation, Josh and Anna sold a farmhouse they had been living in and moved into a warehouse on the Duggar family property. Family followers found the move curious. 
