Jocqui Smollett uploaded a video to Jussie Smollett’s Instagram page to give fans an update on how his brother was being treated in jail. In the three-minute clip, Jocqui claimed that Jussie was being held in a psychiatric ward. “What’s very concerning is that there was a note attached to his paperwork today, and put on the front of his jail cell, saying that he is at risk of self-harm,” Jocqui said in the video uploaded March 12.

Speaking on behalf of his brother, Jocqui informed fans that Jussie had no intention of hurting himself while behind bars. “I want to just make it clear to folks that he is in no way, shape, or form at risk of self-harm and he wants to let folks know that, that he is very stable, he is very strong, he is very healthy,” the Smollett sibling said. Jocqui expressed his dismay with how he felt Jussie was being mistreated. “This is not right. This is completely lack of justice. It’s angering, it’s an outrage,” he added.

Fans of the “Alien: Covenant” actor filled the comments section with words of support. “Thanks for keeping us updated. Let’s get our boy home #freejussie,” one follower wrote. “We love y’all imma always have his back #freejussie,” another commented while adding the same hashtag. Another brother, Joe Smollett, took issue with how the judge addressed Jussie during his sentencing. Joe believed the judge “shamed” his brother. “He basically called him a mental case,” Joe said, per CBS Chicago.

If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline​ at​ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)​
