Kamala Harris and her husband went to Selma, Alabama to commemorate the 57th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. On March 7, 1965, civil rights movement activists marched across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. State troopers attacked black marchers as they walked across the bridge. The event was a part of the lead-up to the passage of the Voting Rights Act, as it helped to galvanize support for the legislation.

Listening to Democrats like Joe Biden and black politicians like Kamala today, a person who doesn’t know any better might think that there is massive voter suppression going on in the United States in 2022. Democrats think that American voters are stupid. Democrat politicians like Kamala and Biden include remarks about alleged voter suppression with every trip to a southern state. Back in the day, in 1965, southern states were controlled by Democrats. It is Republican governors today that are signing election integrity reform laws to make voting easier and cheating harder. Kamala continued pushing the big lie about voter suppression on Sunday during her speech in Selma. The Voting Rights Act was passed in the Senate in 1965 thanks to its support from Republicans.

Harris called the site hallowed ground where people fought for the “most fundamental right of America citizenship: the right to vote.”

“Today, we stand on this bridge at a different time,” Harris said in a speech before the gathered crowd. “We again, however, find ourselves caught in between. Between injustice and justice. Between disappointment and determination. Still in a fight to form a more perfect union. And nowhere is that more clear than when it comes to the ongoing fight to secure the freedom to vote.”

The nation’s first female vice president — as well as the first African American and Indian American in the role — spoke of marchers whose “peaceful protest was met with crushing violence. They were kneeling when the state troopers charged. They were praying when the billy clubs struck.”

Ironically, the news reports that mention that America’s first female vice president is biracial make the point that today is not anything like 1965 for minority communities. To try to gin up support for bad legislation with phony race-baiting statements is the lowest kind of manipulation in politics. Democrat George Wallace was Governor of Alabama in 1965. Joe Biden praised Wallace on more than one occasion during his Senate career. That is an inconvenient truth now.

During the march on Bloody Sunday, John Lewis, a longtime Congressman from Alabama and civil rights activist now deceased, was beaten and tear-gassed by state troopers. He suffered a fractured skull. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 is named in honor of him. The legislation passed in the House but not in the Senate.

Kamala was chosen to be vice president specifically because of her gender and her racial heritage. Democrats wanted to name a woman as vice president before Republicans. The Democrat Party is the party that often checks off identity boxes over qualifications. Her track record in the office so far shows she is not up to the job. Yet, she travels to make speeches as though she is not able to live as freely as any other law-abiding American. Was the record number of black voters who turned out to vote for Barack Obama for president – twice – victims of voter suppression?

Joe Biden did his part to promote the big lie, too, on Sunday. He released a statement. It acknowledges Lewis as a leader that day on the bridge and goes on from there.

In Selma, the blood of John Lewis and so many other courageous Americans sanctified a noble struggle. We are determined to honor that legacy by passing legislation to protect the right to vote and uphold the integrity of our elections, including the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.

My Administration will continue implementing my Executive Order to promote voter participation, increase access to the ballot, and rally the country to protect voting rights and election integrity. Vice President Harris, marching in Selma today, will continue to lead this effort. The U.S. Justice Department has doubled its voting rights enforcement staff to stop discriminatory voting laws as the Voting Rights Act of 1965 empowered it to do. And I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to strengthen our democracy and keep alive the promise of America for all Americans.

The battle for the soul of America has many fronts. The right to vote is the most fundamental.

The right to vote is a fundamental right. There is not an American citizen in this country who is legally qualified to vote that is suppressed from doing so by state legislation in the South or any other part of the country. Some people fall for the Democrat propaganda, though, even those old enough to know better.

Two women who fled the violence said having a Black woman as vice president seemed unimaginable 57 years ago.

“That’s why we marched,” said Betty Boynton, the daughter-in-law of voting rights activist Amelia Boynton.

“I was at the tail end and all of the sudden I saw these horses. Oh my goodness, and all of the sudden … I saw smoke. I didn’t know what tear gas was. They were beating people,” Boynton said recalling Bloody Sunday.

But Boynton said the anniversary is tempered by fears of the impact of new voting restrictions being enacted.

“And now they are trying to take our voting rights from us. I wouldn’t think in 2022 we would have to do all over again what we did in 1965,” Boynton said.

No state legislature is taking away voting rights. Period. Some of us are old enough to remember parts of the old days in the South. In my own lifetime, the difference is noteworthy, a source of pride. It is stomach-turning to hear otherwise, especially from race-baiting Democrat politicians and grifters who depend on dividing American along racial lines in order to make a living.
