In the same breath where they described Kate Middleton as being the “driving force” of the early childhood task force, the palace rep downplayed her contributions to its latest report. “She has been kept up to date since the inception of the task force and she has read the report and been briefed on it,” the spokesperson added. So, others did the work and she simply read about it? Gotcha.

From the sound of it, the rep doesn’t want to make it seem as if Kate is working too hard from home because people would then wonder why she’s capable of doing that, but not posing for pictures at royal engagements. If this was their ploy, it isn’t working. “If she is well enough to work she is well enough to see the public!” tweeted one skeptic of the latest Kate update. The video of Kate happily shopping in Windsor procured by The Sun also helped her critics make such a case.

But Kensington Palace has someone else it can conveniently blame for Kate’s continued absence. “She will return to work when she has had the green light from doctors,” her rep told the Daily Mail. As reported by the BBC, King Charles III was given the A-okay to return to work three months after he underwent prostate surgery in February and he did so while still undergoing treatment for his cancer. Kate’s closely guarded abdominal surgery was in January.

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