Assuming this is real (and it appears to be), there has been what’s being described as an unprecedented leak of a recording of a top-secret meeting of China’s People’s Liberation Army leadership. During the meeting, senior military and CCP officials are heard discussing detailed plans to “smash” the military forces of Taiwan. There are also detailed discussions of logistical support for the invasion involving various companies that will provide needed supplies. Maintaining the security of key regions of mainland China from any sort of counterattacks is also discussed. The leaked audio raises several questions, including who would have carried out the leak and whether this is an actual plan or simply a preparatory exercise. (Times of India)
An unprecedented and explosive audio leak of a top-secret meeting of the Peoples Liberation Army has revealed China’s detailed plan to attack Taiwan.
Experts say that the audio clip posted on the YouTube channel of Lude media appears authentic. This will be the first time since the formation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 that a recording of a top-secret meeting of a military command has been leaked.Apparently, “allies” within the Communist Party of China (CPC), especially the military ( codename “Thunder”) carried out the recording of the meeting that took place on May 14. No wonder the knives are out to nail the source of the leak. The Lude media recording was also posted on the twitter account of Jennifer Zeng @jenniferatntd.
The leak has surfaced when the CPC is apparently experiencing a bitter power struggle ahead of the 20th party congress later this year, which will deliver a new leadership, including the General Secretary of the CPC as well as the standing committee of the Politburo, comprising seven to nine members, forming the core of the party-state for the next five years.
China’s military seems to be particularly concerned with the security of the Pearl River Delta area in the Guangdong province. That is the heart of a lot of their manufacturing and tech centers that would be critical in supporting the invasion.
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The first question to address here is whether this meeting was a discussion of active plans for an invasion with a targeted date to attack or not. The United States military has a database of invasion plans for every country in the world (including Canada!) should we ever need to go in. The possibility of an attack on Taiwan is always in the background for China, so they very likely go over and refine their strategy on a regular basis. If we’re lucky, perhaps that was all that was happening here.
We should also be wondering who would have risked their lives (literally) to leak out the audio of this meeting, assuming everything we’re hearing is real. The Chinese are notoriously good at keeping their inside information secret and the penalties for any perceived disloyalty are harsh beyond belief. If this leak is real, there may be some dissent among the ranks going on, with some factions being opposed to an invasion of Taiwan and trying to spoil the plans by letting the cat out of the bag.
Another possibility is that the CCP orchestrated all of this themselves while making it look like a leak. But to what purpose? That would be very out of character for Beijing. Why would they want to fool the world into thinking that they were about to do something they have been threatening to do for years?
Either way, if our intelligence agencies can verify this as being authentic, we’d better be making some preparations. First, we’ll need to decide whether or not we’re actually going to send our military to assist in the defense of Taiwan. (A topic that Joe Biden apparently changes his mind about on a weekly basis.) Assuming we won’t be doing that, Taiwan will definitely be looking for stepped-up shipments of military equipment similar to what we’re constantly sending to Ukraine. Congress should weigh in on this in advance before we run up billions of dollars of additional debt defending the borders of other countries while we ignore our own.