TV presenter Lorraine Kelly has been candid about her journey towards a healthier lifestyle in recent years.

Lorraine embarked on her weight loss journey after feeling dissatisfied with her appearance following weight gain during lockdown. She decided to join Weight Watchers and has since served as an ambassador for the brand.

By making minor adjustments to her lifestyle and diet, Lorraine managed to lose nearly two stone and went down two dress sizes.

Speaking about her plans to maintain a healthier lifestyle, Lorraine criticised fad diets and encouraged her followers to concentrate on sustainable lifestyle modifications.

She explained: “I think it’s crazy in January all of a sudden to say, ‘I’m going for a 10-mile run’, or going on a stupid, faddy diet, because they don’t work,” she told The Independent. “We know diets don’t work, you will lose weight, but you’ll just put it all back on again because it’s not sustainable.”

She continued: “It’s great to have goals, but make it realistic. Because so many people towards the end of [January] are just like, ‘Oh forget it’, and that’s sad.”

Lorraine posted her transformation on social media and explained she managed to drop 1st1lb in just seven weeks: “Wow I can’t believe both pictures are me!! I’ve dropped two dress sizes – I’ve lost a stone and a half – and the best part of all, I’m finding it easy to keep it off – all thanks to

“The WW program has helped me create and stick to healthy habits. The app helps me track what I’m eating, how much sleep I’m getting and what exercise I’m doing, as well as making sure I drink enough water and giving me lots of delicious recipes to cook (or at least try haha!).

“I feel happier and healthier and I love sharing my experiences with the WW community.”

While emphasising the importance of healthier changes, Lorraine also stressed the need to “cut yourself a wee bit of slack” occasionally to enjoy life.

She didn’t hold back in expressing her gratitude towards the WW community online, stating: “Also, for me, one of the big things has been the community. Social media gets a really bad name, but on the app and using the fact there’s so many of us embarking on this together, sharing experiences and tips and lifting each other up is really, really good.”

Further adding to her thoughts on the power of support, she remarked: “I think that’s what it’s all about these days supporting each other. We all just want to be as healthy and happy as we can be.”

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