
oi-Amritha K

on August 29, 2022

Drank all around the world and used in cooking globally, wine has a special place in one’s life. Okay, maybe not everyone but definitely a large majority. For ages, wine has been used not only for recreational purposes but also for various health conditions.

Made from fermented grape juice, the flavourful drink is one of the best ways to incorporate fun and health. Although drinking wine has been attributed to several health benefits, regular consumption is a big NO.

Because of its chemical and addictive properties, alcohol of any kind can have adverse effects on your health. Ethanol, an organic chemical compound made from plant materials, is the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages. As a psychoactive drug, it changes mood, consciousness, cognition, and behaviour. So, in case your body doesn’t react well to a glass of wine, here are some warning signs to watch out for.

Signs You Should Stop Drinking Wine

1. Breathing difficulty

The consumption of wine is considered to be a significant asthma trigger. Approximately 33 per cent of participants in a study reported having alcohol-induced asthma, and wine was the most frequent trigger, with symptoms ranging from mild to moderate. Although more research is necessary, experts speculate that wine-induced asthma may be triggered by the sulphites in wine, which are commonly used as a preservative. In addition, a chemical marker found in grapes and wine, salicylates, may also contribute to allergy symptoms [1][2].

2. Sudden dizziness

Several studies have demonstrated that alcohol, not just wine, can cause dizziness, especially if you have had too much to drink [3].

When drinking, dizziness may manifest as light-headedness or vertigo. If you feel nauseous and feel like you are about to pass out (lightheaded) or your surroundings are moving around you without any actual motion (vertigo), you may be experiencing dizziness.

3. Severe headache

In some people, the small intestine lacks an enzyme that breaks down histamine. In addition, unlike white wine, red wine contains more histamine, a compound in grape skins. Therefore, the consumption of alcohol may inhibit the enzyme, causing an increase in histamine levels in the blood, resulting in the dilation of blood vessels and headaches [4][5].

4. Flushed skin

As the name indicates, it is a reaction caused by alcohol, and it occurs most commonly on the face. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), flushing, also known as red face, results from a reduced ability to metabolize alcohol. A red face may also be accompanied by hives, nausea, low blood pressure, worsening asthma, and migraine attacks [6].

5. Dependency on drinking

Consider speaking with a doctor or other medical professional if you constantly need a glass of wine. An individual dependent on alcohol does not necessarily consume alcohol excessively but may have a history of excessive consumption. As a chronic medical condition, alcohol dependence is the inability to control alcohol consumption despite repeated problems or cravings for alcohol [7].

According to the NIAAA, women who consume more than three drinks a day or seven per week, or men who consume more than four drinks a day or fourteen per week, are at a high risk of developing an alcohol use disorder [8].

On A Final Note…

Moderate consumption of wine can be attributed to long life, protection against cancer and improved mental health. According to experts, the optimal daily intake of wine is 1 glass (150 ml) for women and 2 glasses (300 ml) for men.

Alcohol Addiction Helpline Numbers

  • National Toll Free Helpline: 1800-11-0031
  • Alcoholics Anonymous national helpline on 9022771011 / 022-65055134
  • National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Gaziabad.: 25588223, 26588663
  • De-addiction Centre, New Delhi: 23365525


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Story first published: Monday, August 29, 2022, 16:46 [IST]


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