Lung mainly affects older people, with four out of 10 Britons aged 75 and above being diagnosed with the condition. Sometimes, symptoms may not appear where you’d expect them to arise. Noticing your hands and, in particular, your palms changing shape could indicate the deadly disease.

Sometimes called acanthosis palmaris, tripe palms fall under skin disorder categories where the skin abnormally darkens due to hyperpigmentation or abnormally thickens, says Science Alert.

It continued: “The velvety surfaces that result isn’t always itchy or painful.

“Although the exact cause of the skin changes is unknown, the distinct ridges are usually associated with an internal malignancy of some kind, with over 90 percent of cases also involving a cancer diagnosis, per one study.”

What causes lung cancer?

It’s well documented by medical professionals that smoking cigarettes is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer.

Smoking accounts for more than 70 percent of cases, as tobacco contains more than 60 different substances known to be carcinogenic (cancer-producing).

For those who don’t smoke, frequent exposure to other people’s tobacco smoke can also increase your risk of developing lung cancer.

Source: Daily Express

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