A “Married At First Sight” bride is opening up about her hubby’s domestic duty demands.

As the current season of #MAFS continues and as fans continue to drag Olajuwon, Katina is speaking out to BOSSIP.

Olajuwon And Katina: Married At First Sight

Source: Courtney Hizey Photography / Kinetic Content

As previously reported fans are fed up with Olajuwon’s domestic duty demands that have made him call his bride “lazy” for not cooking and cleaning to his liking.

Most recently Olajuwon, who also admitted that he has never dated a Black woman, had a big blowup with Katina over an old dating app on her phone. The tense moment included Olajuwon considering divorce while questioning Katina’s character.

Ahead of tonight’s new episode where we’ll see the fallout from that messiness, BOSSIP chatted with Katina about her dating life before Married At First Sight, her physical “type” and her real thoughts on her hubby’s demands, and “never dated a Black woman” reveal.

Prior to being matched on Married At First Sight, what was the Boston dating scene like for you? Was there a moment in particular when you knew you wanted help from the experts to find your match?

Prior to getting married, the dating scene for me was kind of rough. A lot of the guys that I was meeting weren’t looking for a serious commitment as well as they weren’t seeking any type of exclusivity. I watched married at first sight before and always told myself if I got into my 30’s and If I was still
single I would apply for the show if they were to come back to Boston.

Prior to #MAFS, how important was physical attraction to you in a potential mate? If you had to describe your physical “type” what would it be?

Physical attraction was really important to me, I was worried that would be something that I would have to overcome and figure out if I got matched to someone that I didn’t find attractive. My physical type is someone who is tall, funny and handsome. I definitely like a man who takes care of his body.

What if any hangups did you have before applying for #MAFS?

One of the biggest hang-ups I had was being worried that I would be matched with someone I couldn’t build a connection with. I questioned how would I navigate those feelings but still tried to remain optimistic that, that wouldn’t be the case.

We heard you took a two-year self-love journey, what did that entail and how do you think it prepared you for #MAFS?

I took a lot of time out for myself at one point. I even stopped dating. I reflected on my past traumas, prayed that God would heal me and prepare me for the man he had for me. I even signed up for therapy which I found to be helpful. I found peace within myself, all of these things prepared me for married at first sight when I didn’t even know it. The journey that I am going through in this process probably would have been harder for me had I not done those things.

What was going through your head when Dr. Pepper broke the news that you were getting married?

I was speechless I couldn’t believe they had found me a match. I was so anxious and stunned that I didn’t know what to say. Then the excitement set in and I just started to count down the days until I got to meet my husband.

Ultimately, what attributes were you looking for in a spouse?

I really wanted a husband who would become my best friend. Hardworking, family oriented, funny and was a leader. I really wanted someone that was open to building a life with me.

What went through your mind when Olajuwon told you he had never seriously dated a Black woman before?

When Olajuwon told me that he never dated a Black woman I asked him if he had ever been physical with one and he stated [that] he had. I didn’t find it odd that he hadn’t because I had dated men that weren’t black up until my early 20’s due to the school systems I was in. There just weren’t a lot of Black men. From conversations with him that sounded like that was the case as well. I also knew that he was physically attracted to me so that also didn’t raise a concern.

As someone who doesn’t cook every night myself, I worried about Olajuwon’s demands for “hot meals” from his wife. Did he break down to you exactly why that was a deal-breaker and moreover, can HE cook himself?

From different discussions that we had off-camera he stated that he wanted a woman who would take care of home duties because he wanted to be the main provider when it came to finances. For example, if there was a mortgage or rent to be paid he would handle those types of expenses. In my opinion acts of service seemed to be his love language.

Olajuwon makes a great breakfast! Hopefully, we’ll see about dinner…

Tune in to #MAFS tonight at 8 p.m. EST on Lifetime.


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