Andrew McLindon may be retired, but his days of work are far from over. Except this time, his job is solely from the goodness of his heart.
McLindon creates and donates custom bicycles for kids with special needs. The first bike he created was for a family friend 13 years ago, and today, he has donated 430 bikes.
Since they are customized, they can cost thousands of dollars. When he first started, McLindon used his own money to build the bikes, but now he receives donations.

Since these types of bikes are so expensive, McLindon knew it would be hard for many families to afford them, since they’re already paying for medical bills. That’s why he loves what he does and is happy to gift these bikes to different families who need them.
His latest recipient was four-year-old Kaya Roach, who was born with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Unfortunately, she is unable to walk and only gets around by crawling.
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Her mother had always hoped that one day Kaya would be able to partake in activities with her friends, and thanks to McLindon, she now can.
McLindon surprised Kaya with a bike that was built specifically for her needs. It has an extra wheel and straps to help keep her upright.

McLindon says seeing these families light up when he gifts them these bikes is what life is all about.
“The things that I get to see with these families of these children is a gift. It’s an absolute gift, and it’s not lost on me, and I’m very grateful for it,” he told Inside Edition. “And subsequently, I’ll do this forever.”
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Source: The Autism Site Blog