This article shows how a “Man Currently Running Entire Length of Africa” If you’re someone who’s trying to get into jogging and need a bit of inspiration, you need to check out Russell Cook’s mission to run the entire length of Africa. The runner known as Hardest Geezer has been smashing out an ultramarathon almost every day since his adventure began in April this year. The aim is to complete the distance, which is the equivalent of 360 marathons, in 240 days.

Of all the incredible running challenges on the planet, this one has to be up there with the best of them. Cook has garnered a great amount of support and sponsorship already, and he is influencing many of his followers to get out and pound the tarmac.

Man Currently Running Entire Length of Africa
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Nobody Has Ever Run Africa From Tip to Tip

Cook has already achieved some amazing feats since he took up running to turn his life around, including completing a marathon while pulling a car. Indeed, he set a world record for that accomplishment, with a time of nine hours and 56 minutes. His longest challenge before this one was running from Asia to London in 2019. This consisted of a whopping 71 marathons in 66 days.

The current quest is like nothing he’s ever attempted before, though. The length of Africa from top to bottom is around 15,000 kilometers, and Cook will pass through 16 countries on his routes. The journey poses many threats and dangers, and he has already had scary moments in Angola and the Republic of Congo. He was robbed at gunpoint in the former nation and briefly held hostage in the latter. His followers on Twitter and YouTube have been able to keep track of the action through his regular posts and updates, which never fail to entertain.

Cook is raising money for Water Aid and The Running Charity, and he hopes to build up a pot of more than £100,000. The mission began in South Africa and will end at Ras ben Sakka, the tip of Tunisia. There will be a grueling section of around three months in the Sahara desert, which could be the biggest test of Cook’s running career to date.

Cook is usually clocking more than 60km per day, and there’s no doubt that he’s going to get through plenty of pairs of running shoes. To maximize the lifespan of each set, he needs to know how to use shoe glue to repair the soles. With a strong adhesive, the shoes can often look as good as new, and runners can easily get more kilometers out of them. The Hardest Geezer does have a support team who drive along in a van beside him most of the time too, but there are occasions when they have to split up and reconvene at later points on the map.

Cook Serves as Inspiration to Others Who Want to Get Fit

Cook has shared many details about his life before his fitness escapades, and he wasn’t proud of his lifestyle and habits. Rather than let his vices get the better of him, he turned to running to boost his health and well-being. For anyone else who feels like they need to make positive changes, Cook’s story can serve as great inspiration.

Of course, if you’re someone who is just starting out, it’s not recommended to take on a major challenge in the early days. The best option would be to do a couch to 5km plan and then take it from there. Joggers should always remember to stretch thoroughly before and after a run to avoid injury, and up the distance gradually over time.

If you haven’t followed Cook on his socials yet, you should check him out and provide some support. His posts are great for giving people motivation and encouraging them to start getting fit as well.

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