Today (March 31st, 2022) marks the release of Marvel and Sony’s Morbius, a movie that has been delayed several times and, according to those who have already seen it, wasn’t worth the wait. 

Jared Leto as Michael Morbius / Picture Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Jared Leto as Michael Morbius / Picture Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Morbius stars Jared Leto (Suicide Squad, Blade Runner 2049) in the titular role as Doctor Michael Morbius, a man diagnosed with a terrible condition that leaves him frail and weak. 

However, as he is a seemingly successful Doctor, he decides to try and cure this illness that not only infects him, but threatens to hurt others across the globe.

Morbius’ plan doesn’t go quite right, however, as his experiment causes him to gain some odd superhuman abilities, reminiscent of a vampire. 

From then on, Morbius struggles to keep the monster he created inside him, rather than letting it out, as it appears that is easier said than done. 

Many Marvel fans were excited to see Morbius, due to its Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) connections, however it seems that many of these Easter Eggs were simply bait, and not actually included in the film, so we’ve heard. 

A number of delays meant that Morbius was released today, as opposed to its original release date of July 31st, 2020. In total, the movie has been delayed five times, with some dates including March and October of last year (2021). 

Morbius is in cinemas now / Picture Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Morbius is in cinemas now / Picture Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Rotten Tomatoes, a site that measures critic and audience scores of new releases, sees Morbius with a very disappointing score from critics of only 19% at the time of writing, with 63 reviews. 

Many reviews that have been released don’t give the film a score (out of five) above a two, suggesting that, unfortunately, Morbius is a bit of a disappointment. 

Den of Geek have labelled the feature ‘Lifeless’, Independent calls it a ‘work of shameless corporate desperation’, while The Times said that the ‘appalling vampire snooze-fest deserves a stake through its heart’. 

It seems safe to say that Morbius has not impressed, which is a shame as it appeared to have at least some potential when trailers began to release. 

However, just because those who have seen the film and disliked it, doesn’t mean that everyone else will. Morbius may still have some hope. 

Morbius is in cinemas now. 

Watch the trailer for Morbius below:

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Written by Melissa, who you can follow on Twitter @melissajournal

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