You might imagine that most of us wash our bathroom towels around once a week. After all, the bathroom should be a haven of cleanliness.

However, it appears that almost one in ten Britons are only washing their towels twice a year.

The surprising figure is even worse when only men are considered. A survey reveals they are five times more likely than women to wash their towels once a year or less.

The findings come in a survey for bathroom supplier Showers to You. It revealed that millions of households up and down the country could be risking skin infections and other health problems because of poor towel hygiene.

The survey of 2,200 UK residents found almost one in ten wash their towels twice a year only. Five per cent of men admitted washing them just once a year, compared to 1 per cent of women.

A survey reveals men are five times more likely than women to wash their towels once a year or less (Stock Image)

A survey reveals men are five times more likely than women to wash their towels once a year or less (Stock Image)

The data showed that 67 per cent of people wash their towels due to their visual cleanliness, followed by smell at 61 per cent and the ‘number of uses’ at 58 per cent.

The study found that 11 per cent of respondents weren’t concerned at all by bacteria or hygiene issues, despite the NHS’s advice that towels can spread germs if not washed frequently.

Showers to You founder Martin Smith said: ‘The bathroom should in theory be one of the cleanest rooms in the home, however our research shows that many people could be ignoring a key step in ensuring proper bathroom hygiene.’

He said the data showed most respondents were regularly washing their towels but added: ‘Everyone should ensure they are ensuring a regular routine in line with guidance from health professionals.’

Dermatologist Dr Hamdan Hamed added: ‘Towels accumulate moisture, creating an environment conducive to bacterial and fungal growth. Bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus can lead to skin infections, while fungi like Candida yeast can cause issues like athlete’s foot or yeast infections.

‘It is recommended to wash towels after every three to four uses to eliminate bacteria, dirt, dead skin cells, and allergens.’

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