It’s something every woman dreads as the menopause is notorious for a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including weight gain. But even though hormone changes, stress and the ageing process is all working against sufferers, there are ways of shedding the pounds by following a healthy diet and making sure they maintain good eating habits.
People often believe that skipping meals will help them lose weight faster but that theory is a myth, according to experts at A.Vogel.
They warned that it could actually hinder your weight loss goals rather than help with trying to maintain a healthy weight.
They also advised that making some simple dietary changes can help individuals through “the change”, and better manage their symptoms:
Reduce refined carbohydrates – white sugar, white bread, white pasta, white rice and things covered in heaps of syrup
Eat more phyto-oestrogenic foods such as broccoli, oats and soya
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“The best fats to add to your diet include coconut oil, olive oil, grass fed butter, avocado, nuts, seeds, oily fish.”
Protein is also essential for a healthy, balanced diet. Nicki said: “Go for good quality meat, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, nuts, and seeds.”
As for foods to avoid, Nicki recommended that slimmers limit their intake of “sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and alcohol”.
She continued: “In addition, limit or avoid any foods that cause bloating, fatigue, headaches or any other symptoms you notice after eating them.
“Common culprits include gluten and dairy. Try eliminating them for three to four weeks then re-introduce one product at a time and notice how you feel.”
Source: Daily Express | Diet