A woman has shared her astonishing transformation after embarking on a two-week diet consisting solely of fruits and vegetables.

Megan Davies, a mum from Merthyr Tydfil, adopted a vegan diet for 14 days and not only shed 12lbs but also experienced significant improvements in her physical and mental health.

In a TikTok video that has since garnered nearly 5 million views, Megan, who uses the handle Meganrdavies_, confessed she had never been able to adhere to a diet before.

However, she expressed immense pride in herself for seeing this particular diet through.

Megan noticed a marked improvement in her mental health just a few days into her fruit and vegetable-only diet.

She shared: “So before this detox, I was very low. I just wanted to curl up on the sofa, all day. I didn’t wanna do anything.

“I found it hard to concentrate and I didn’t want to do my own job, which I love. But after just three days of eating fruits and vegetables, I felt a massive shift in my mood. I was getting really excited about things and I just generally felt so much better.”

Prior to the diet, Megan admitted to feeling “very sluggish”, but now, she is brimming with “so much more energy”.

She elaborated: “As soon as my alarm clock goes off, I’m up. I have this rush of energy that I can only imagine comes from the amount of fruit I’ve been eating”, reports Wales Online.

The fortnight of clean eating also had a remarkable effect on her skin. “My skin, just wow,” she told viewers. “As you can see, my skin just looks so glowy.”

Megan, who struggles with IBS, opened up about her initial challenges, saying she spent a lot of time “sat on the toilet” during the first week. “But week 2 was so much better,” she disclosed.

“I haven’t had any IBS symptoms at all. I also normally suffer with chronic heartburn and acid reflux. But, there’s been nothing at all.”

She was particularly astonished by two significant improvements: weight loss and diminished period cramps.

“One of the biggest changes for me, which I am absolutely shocked by, is the fact that my period cramps gone,” Megan shared.

“I suffer with the worst period cramps in the world. I’m buckled over crying, feeling sick sometimes passing out with pain. I came on my period on day 10 of the diet and nothing. I haven’t even had to use a hot water bottle. That for me will change my life.”

Regarding shedding pounds, Megan revealed she dropped a remarkable 5kg in a fortnight. “That’s 12lbs – I’ve nearly lost a stone in 2 weeks,” she noted.

“I still have a lot of weight to lose but I can feel the difference in my face I feel incredible. So I’m gonna be continuing to heal my body with food.”

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