To those on a weight loss journey, “fats” can send people into a frenzy. But the body can actually create different types of fats it needs to function from other fats or raw materials.

One of the most essential fats it can’t make itself is omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fats are important because they help to:

Lower blood pressure

Reduce triglycerides

Slow the development of plaque in the arteries

Reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm

Reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke

Lessen the chance of sudden cardiac death in people with heart disease

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So, in order to ensure people are getting enough of these key fatty acids, Dr Michael Mosley highlighted the importance of eating one food in particular.

“Me and Clare eat oily fish at least three times a week,” he said during an episode of his Just One Thing podcast.

“While being fast and wonderfully simple to prepare, oily fish like salmon and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids.”

He challenged his guest, Carl, to eat two portions of oily fish in order to avoid being deficient in the essential nutrient.

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So, in order to ensure people are getting enough of these key fatty acids, Dr Michael Mosley highlighted the importance of eating one food in particular.

“Me and Clare eat oily fish at least three times a week,” he said during an episode of his Just One Thing podcast.

“While being fast and wonderfully simple to prepare, oily fish like salmon and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids.”

He challenged his guest, Carl, to eat two portions of oily fish in order to avoid being deficient in the essential nutrient.

He revealed that only one quarter of UK adults eat oily fish, and less than 16 percent of young adults only eat two portions of oily fish a week.

Dr Mosley acknowledged that some people may find fish dishes harder to make than average meat meals, but he insisted they’re easy to make.

“Salmon is incredibly quick to fry,” he said before offering up a salmon Thai curry recipe.

“All it required is one of those pastes you can buy in a jar with a little bit of coconut milk as well,” he said.

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“That sounds very appealing!” Carl replied.

Dr Mosley added: “The great thing about fish, is it’s an incredibly simple meal and the oils in the fish will fill you up.”

But the nutritionist revealed people need to be careful what types of fish they consume to up their omega-3 intake.

He explained that it’s “important” to know that when it comes to topping up your omega-3 levels, “the type of fish matters”.

The following fish are best known for being an oily fish:






Dr Mosley recommended the easiest way to remember them is by the acronym ‘S.M.A.S.H’.

He warned that while white fish such as cod may appear oily, it is a great source of protein but low in omega-3.

Source: Daily Express | Diet