Losing weight and maintaining a healthy size can be incredibly difficult, especially with lots of tasty temptations around this time of year, as well as events, parties and other social gatherings to attend. Dr Michael Mosley has helped millions by creating The Fast 800 diet plans and for anyone struggling with weight fluctuation, he has a trick which he himself uses.
After discovering he had type 2 diabetes, Dr Michael started researching ways to improve his blood-sugar levels.
He embarked on a healthy lifestyle and took part in 5:2 intermittent fasting.
5:2 intermittent fasting is five days of normal eating, with a little thought to calorie control, then on the other two days, calories intake is reduced to 500 for women and 600 for men.
As a result of the diet, Dr Michael lost 1.4 stone and reversed his diabetes.
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Then in 2019, the TV star put on a stone to help test out a new diet regime, The Fast 800 plan and within “three weeks and five days” he had “lost a stone and was back to [his] previous healthy weight”.
From then, Dr Michael has gone onto help others get fit and healthy.
But, like all of us, from time to time, Dr Michael has fallen off the wagon: “Occasionally, over the years, I’ve taken my eye off the healthy-eating ball. When that happens, my weight will soon start to creep up once more.”
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“But if you get the proportions of your meals right, you will eat really well without feeling hungry.”
He went onto reveal “the key” to consuming the right amount of calories “without feeling that you are starving yourself,” is by making sure every bite you eat “packs a punch”.
Dr Michael explained how each meal needs to score highly on the “satiety factor” – the feeling of fullness after eating which can help suppress the need to snack.
And the way in which you can do this is by choosing good quality protein for most meals – fish, meat or 100g of tofu.
Healthy fats are also needed, such as olive oil, and unlimited quantities of vegetables.
“I do eat carbohydrates such as rice, pasta and potatoes,” Dr Michael explained to the Daily Mail.
“But they take up a much smaller part of my plate than they used to and they tend to be brown — that is, with fibre.
“‘Carbohydrates’ has become a dirty word, but along with fats and proteins, they play an important role in our diet.”
Source: Daily Express | Diet