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Maya Angelou is credited with the following quote: “When people show you who they are, believe them.” Those are wise words – and they hold true when it comes to elected leaders just as much as interpersonal relationships – maybe even more so.
Setting aside the fact that Joe Biden isn’t the most articulate or artful of speakers, we can hear his – and his administration’s — priorities loud and clear:
- Climate change advocacy trumps energy independence.
- Lax immigration policies trump a secure border.
- Spending billions on green energy trumps tackling inflation.
- Exiting a 20-year war on an arbitrary deadline trumps ensuring Americans and their allies are safely evacuated first.
- Clamping down on (so-called) misinformation trumps championing free speech.
- Codifying gay marriage and zero-restriction abortion at the federal level trumps religious freedom and protecting innocent life.
- Visiting a chip manufacturer trumps visiting the border.
- Securing the release of an America-loathing athlete trumps freeing a marine.
I must admit, I’m hard-pressed to come up with any action taken or pursued by this administration that shows me they care about this country and want it to remain a powerful force for good in the world. I’d like to believe they do…but that’s not who they’ve shown me they are.
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Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Friday, December 9th. Audio included below.
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