22-year-old Aoife Ashman gained a lot of weight over the course of the pandemic due to comfort eating and barely venturing out of the house. When she did finally reunite with her loved ones after months in isolation, she wasn’t feeling her best.
Her biggest motivation to lose weight was her lack of confidence at Christmas last year.
She said: “In the days leading up to Christmas, I was desperately trying to find an outfit to wear but nothing looked right – I didn’t feel good in anything. When Christmas Day arrived, I was dreading seeing everyone, my confidence was at an all time low.
“Everyone was taking photos to celebrate the festive period, but I didn’t want to be in any of them. When looking back at the photos I was in, I felt mortified – it ruined what should have been a really special family memory.”
Like many decide to do in the new year, Aoife began a weight loss journey in January 2021.
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“I came across The 1:1 Diet on TikTok one day. A girl had posted a video about her weight loss from being on plan, and she looked amazing! The video came at a perfect time and after researching online, I knew it was the right plan for me.”
The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan offers bespoke weight loss plans for dieters with nutritious meal replacements.
Dieters start at the deep end, swapping all regular food for meal replacements.
In a six-step process, they gradually incorporate more and more regular food into their diets until they just eat one 1:1 snack per day.
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“I quickly got into the swing of the diet and developed my own routine alongside my amazing and supportive consultant, Tracy. I work in a very busy environment, so it was easy to take lunches with me as they are so convenient and easy to make.
“Right from the beginning, I was so shocked at the amount of energy I had. I never felt sluggish, and I honesty felt like a new person!”
Starting on the plan at 14 stone and nine pounds, Aoife completely transformed her body.
After only seven months, her weight dropped to 10 stone eight pounds.
With her physical transformation came a mental one, and Aoife now feels more self-assured than ever.
“I have gained so much as a result of my weight loss – not only do I have more confidence in myself, but I also have more knowledge of food and portion sizes.
“My whole lifestyle has changed, and it’s made me feel amazing! Going on plan was the best thing I’ve ever done!”
As Christmas approaches, Aoife can feel camera-ready and confident when her friends and family want to snap photos.
Source: Daily Express | Diet