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I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve linked back to anything posted on MSNBC’s homepage, but today, something on their site caught my attention–because, amazingly, someone over there may be right about something.

The piece, from the show blog for host Joy Reid’s MSNBC program, “The Reid Out,” avers that RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel and her testimony in front of the House January 6 Committee could come back to bite Donald Trump in the butt.

Columnist Ja’han Jones writes:

….[S]he also may have played one of the larger roles than just about anyone if former President Donald Trump ultimately faces criminal charges.

Thanks to previous hearings, we already knew some of the details McDaniel told the committee’s investigators about Trump’s role in organizing people nationwide to submit false Electoral College slates to Congress declaring Trump the winner in their states.

In this video, for example, you’ll see her testify that Trump put her on the phone with John Eastman to discuss obtaining assistance from the RNC, on a call made from the White House switchboard.

I think, at this point, someone could parody those hyperbolic italics by saying the call was coming from “inside the house,” but I digress.

Then Jones points out the reason progressives are even making a big deal about this: her testimony was cited by the J6 Committee’s summary executive report–released Monday–as “key in establishing proof….that Trump conspired to make a false statement in the fake electors plot”:

And the report makes clear that McDaniel’s interview was key in establishing proof for the committee that Trump conspired to make a false statement in the fake electors plot. The phone call she described, the committee concluded, was “an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.”

While Jones readily admits that the committee’s recommendations for prosecution to the Department of Justice “carry no legal weight,” he mentions that not only might the McDaniel interview be used by any potential DOJ legal action, but as part of an election interference lawsuit against Trump in Fulton Co., Georgia as well.

As readers understand by now, conservatives can’t trust the Biden DOJ, under the leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland, any further than they can throw them. Not only do their actions during the Paul Pelosi attack incident smell funny, but this is the same outfit calls parents who speak up about their children’s safety in school “domestic terrorists.” And I’m no Mike Lindell fan girl, but what they tried to do to him, as my colleague Bob Hoge wrote, is shameful. People like this don’t need an ironclad list of reasons to bring up their political enemies on bogus criminal charges. We definitely don’t need Republicans helping them do it.

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