A little-known gene mutation that one in three women have can cause depression, gut issues, problems with pregnancy, birth defects and miscarriage.

The ‘MTHFR mutation’ is a gene that means your body cannot absorb folic acid properly, it struggles to metabolise certain hormones and and it faces issues with properly detoxing your liver.

If you have ‘MTHFR’ and don’t manage it, it can lead to all sorts of problems, from anxiety to issues with your adrenal glands and difficulties with getting pregnant.

Your unborn baby could also have possible birth defects due to the body’s inability to properly metabolise folic acid. 

A little-known gene mutation that one in three women have can cause depression, gut issues, problems with pregnancy, birth defects and miscarriage (Stacey Turner, who has MTHFR pictured with her family)

A little-known gene mutation that one in three women have can cause depression, gut issues, problems with pregnancy, birth defects and miscarriage (Stacey Turner, who has MTHFR pictured with her family)

A little-known gene mutation that one in three women have can cause depression, gut issues, problems with pregnancy, birth defects and miscarriage (Stacey Turner, who has MTHFR pictured with her family)

Nutritionist and mum Stacey Turner (pictured with her family) believes that if she didn't find out she had the gene mutation after a test and she didn't make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes, she wouldn't have a child today

Nutritionist and mum Stacey Turner (pictured with her family) believes that if she didn't find out she had the gene mutation after a test and she didn't make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes, she wouldn't have a child today

Nutritionist and mum Stacey Turner (pictured with her family) believes that if she didn’t find out she had the gene mutation after a test and she didn’t make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes, she wouldn’t have a child today

Nutritionist and mum Stacey Turner believes that if she didn’t find out she had the gene mutation after a test and she didn’t make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes, she wouldn’t have a child today:  

‘Before I found out I had the MTHFR gene mutation, I was experiencing a lot of anxiety and depression,’ Stacey told FEMAIL.

‘I was highly strung and would get angry easily. 

‘I wasn’t dealing with stress well, had bouts of adrenal fatigue and digestive issues – even though as a dietitian and nutritionist I was super on point with my nutrition.’ 

What is the MTHFR gene mutation? 

* MTHRF stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.

* One in three people carry at least one mutation of this. Gene mutations are inherited – you receive one copy of the MTHFR gene from each of your parents.

* MTHFR is a gene that provides the body with instructions for making a certain enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). When you eat foods that contain folic acid, MTHFR converts it into methyl-folate (folate’s active form). 

* Methyl-folate is critical to methylation, which helps to optimise a huge number of processes in your body including the production of DNA, metabolism of hormones, and proper detoxification. 

* There are a number of ways you can find out if you have MTHFR. You can get a full DNA saliva test through 23andMe, and then have a geneticist analyse the data either in person or on an online service.

* You can also have your medical professional complete genetic testing as part of your consultation. 

Source: Stacey Turner 



Stacey said she would regularly get sick with colds and viruses and had been diagnosed with several auto-immune conditions when her naturopath recommended she be tested for the mutation.

‘We found that I have two MTHFR mutations (one from each parent), meaning my liver can only detox at a 20 per cent capacity,’ she said. 

‘My naturopath supported me in starting to supplement, as my diet was already on point and my lifestyle was good too.

‘I just needed to better understand how to look after myself now that I knew my genetic map and was aware of what was going on.’ 

Kin Fertility is a new pre-natal supplement designed to suit anyone with the MTHFR gene (the pre-natal supplement pictured)

Kin Fertility is a new pre-natal supplement designed to suit anyone with the MTHFR gene (the pre-natal supplement pictured)

Kin Fertility is a new pre-natal supplement designed to suit anyone with the MTHFR gene (the pre-natal supplement pictured)

By the time she started trying to get pregnant, Stacey had already made the necessary changes to her lifestyle.

‘It’s super important to start taking a pre-natal supplement for at least 3-6 months before conception,’ she said.

‘You also need one with the activated form of folate rather than the synthetic folic acid as this clogs up your methylation system.’

As well as this, Stacey recommends clients with the MTHFR gene opt for organic spray-free fruit and veg, wild caught fish and grass-fed meat and healthy fats like avocado, olives, hummus, nuts and seeds.

‘Knowing your genetic road map will allow you to work with it, rather than against it,’ she said. 

‘Being proactive is definitely beneficial for you, your partner and your future baby.’ 

Created by Nicole Liu (pictured), the Australian supplement was launched to include the 'most bioavailable ingredients we could source, and all of the essential nutrients requires for an optimal conception and pregnancy journey'

Created by Nicole Liu (pictured), the Australian supplement was launched to include the 'most bioavailable ingredients we could source, and all of the essential nutrients requires for an optimal conception and pregnancy journey'

Created by Nicole Liu (pictured), the Australian supplement was launched to include the ‘most bioavailable ingredients we could source, and all of the essential nutrients requires for an optimal conception and pregnancy journey’

Kin Fertility is a new pre-natal supplement designed to suit anyone with the MTHFR gene.

Created by Nicole Liu, the Australian supplement has been launched to include the ‘most bioavailable ingredients we could source, and all of the essential nutrients requires for an optimal conception and pregnancy journey’.

‘One in three women struggle to efficiently absorb folic acid,’ Nicole told Daily Mail Australia.

‘So we created our pre-natal using methylated folate, which all women can easily absorb. 

‘In fact, folic acid has to be converted into methylated folate to be used in the body.’ 

A month’s supply of the pre-natal supplement costs $39, and you can also get three months worth for $90.

Kin Fertility promises to be better both ‘for you and the baby’.

It promotes healthy brain development for the baby from Omega 3 and Vitamin B12, as well as strong bone growth from Vitamin K and better calcium absorption from Vitamin D.

It also helps the woman with her energy levels when conceiving and pregnant, as well as with her thyroid health and overall immune system. 

A month's supply of the pre-natal supplement (pictured) costs $39, while you can also get three months worth for $90

A month's supply of the pre-natal supplement (pictured) costs $39, while you can also get three months worth for $90

A month’s supply of the pre-natal supplement (pictured) costs $39, while you can also get three months worth for $90

Stacey is now passionate about raising awareness about the MTHFR gene, because she believes with better knowledge, women can make better choices in pre-conception.

‘Many women will conceive with no issues and that’s wonderful,’ she said.

‘But I know more and more couples having trouble getting pregnant, and if this information was more readily available and well-known, couples could be more proactive and could get pregnant faster with more success of full-term pregnancies.’ 

Stacey said my bringing awareness to the MTHFR gene and other gene mutations, she wants to save other couples the heartbreak associated with pregnancy loss.

‘I’m not saying this is the only reason people experience pregnancy loss, but it is a common link and if there is something you could do to decrease your risk, why wouldn’t you.’

To find out more about Kin Fertility’s pre-natal supplement that can be absorbed by all women, please click here

Source: Daily Mail

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