Multiple Sclerosis: Double Vision And Other Warning Signs In The Eyes
Many patients have MS symptoms for years before being diagnosed.

Early diagnosis and treatment of Multiple sclerosis tend to boost the odds of a favourable long-term outcome.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune illness characterised by a wide variety of symptoms that can be mistaken for those of other diseases. MS is caused by the immune system attacking the protective coating of nerve fibres (a material known as myelin), resulting in scarring, or sclerosis. Because nerve damage can develop in several parts of the central nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves, no one diagnostic test result or telltale symptom can be regarded as a clear marker of multiple sclerosis.

Here, Dr. Shirish M Hastak, Regional Director, Neurology, Stroke & Neurocritical Care, Global Hospital Parel Mumbai, enlighten us about the warning signs of multiple sclerosis and the importance of early diagnosis.

What are the early signs of multiple sclerosis?

Dr. Hastak notes, “It might be alarming for someone to have their first MS symptom. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis may be subtle at first, but if you are in tune with your body, you may notice that something is off.” According to him, people with Multiple Sclerosis could:

  • Have numbness of legs or arms
  • Blurring of vision in one eye
  • Loss of grip in the hand
  • Double vision
  • Balancing problems
  • Have bowel or bladder issues

Because not everyone will exhibit all of these symptoms, diagnosis might be difficult.

What are secondary MS symptoms?

Secondary MS symptoms are not produced by the primary source of MS symptoms (demyelination). They are genuine side effects of the body’s responses to it. There are several symptoms that might emerge, including physical weakening due to lack of use, increased anxiety and depression.

When does MS generally begin?

Dr. Hastak answers, “MS may strike at any age. The majority of MS patients are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50. However, many patients have MS symptoms for years before being diagnosed.”

Why early diagnosis of the condition is so important?

Knowing what signs and symptoms to look for early on may be really beneficial. According to several longer-term studies, diagnosing MS and initiating MS therapy early tend to boost the odds of a favourable long-term outcome. Patients who begin MS therapy earlier in their condition have a decreased chance of attaining specific impairment milestones, such as needing a cane or walker.

When should one see a doctor for multiple sclerosis?

If you have abrupt numbness on one side of your body or difficulty seeing or speaking or walking or bladder problems, get medical attention immediately. These might be symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Make an appointment with your doctor if additional symptoms of MS are out of the norm for you and linger more than a day. They can chat with you about how you’re feeling and run some tests to determine whether your symptoms are due to MS or another health condition.

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