Transgenderism is all the rage, and those who identify as the opposite of their sex insist they’re only acting naturally. On the boob tube Sunday, such an idea was applied in an unprecedented way — in the wild and in the au naturel.

Amid its 13th season, Discovery Channel reality hit Naked and Afraid is delivering undeniable diversity.

The Daily Mail reports:

Naked and Afraid features its first-ever transgender woman: 37-year-old…makes history on nude survival show that saw her paired with a ‘conservative’ farmer.

For those unfamiliar:

Each episode follows [contestants’] adventure as they try to make shelter, find stuff to eat and drink, and survive the conditions for 21-days — all while completely naked.

The non-cisgender newcomer — a Floridian named Terra — “was assigned the male gender at birth, but began transitioning to female four years ago. She now has breasts, but still has male genitalia.”

Terra’s been teamed with nude South African Shaun, who’s self-described as “a little bit conservative.”

The pair is being stranded in Zambia, Africa.

Terra had reservations about her partner and what his reaction might be to her body, but Shaun met her with open arms.

The conservative made clear he was cool:

“Someone as unique as that, to have the courage to come out, she’s a hero in my eyes already.”

In the opening scene, Shaun eyes his partner up and down.

Terra unpacks the trunk of the elephant in the room:

“So, obviously, you can see that I’m not the same as every other girl that’s been on this show. I’m a little unique. What are your thoughts on this?”

“Um, it is a bit of a shock to me,” Shaun replies. “And we’re all unique and special. Um, I’m open-minded and, uh, we’re gonna do this together. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.”

“Thank God,” Terra mouths. “Thank you. I appreciate that. And I’ve got your back, too. Hearing that is a big thing to me. We’re gonna do this. We’re gonna be okay.”

Both jaybirds express excitement. Then they front-hug.

See the duo here and here, but be warned of rearview rawness.

Transgenderism is breaking all kinds of boundries, popping up where you might not expect to see its head.

Case in point: For March 8th’s International Women’s Day, biological males identifying as women were heralded by London’s Vagina Museum.

These days, body parts, gender identity, and sex are sort of floating about independently. Bolstered by technology, on any given person’s frame, you never know what might be hanging around:

It’s a bold new age. For those in search of modern America exposed, look no further than Naked and Afraid. Tune in to find Terra, who’s in the midst of a light change and unwilling to hide it under a bushel:

“People like me don’t get chosen for things like this,” she said on the show. “I am trans and I don’t care who knows it. What defines me is not how I look or how I act it’s what I do in my life. The things I do in my life are f—ing epic.”

Terra — who has been a bowhunter for her entire life…said she was “absolutely prepared for this” since she had spent weeks alone in the wilderness with just a knife in the past.

Terra has undergone “top” surgery (also known as breast augmentation or implants), but has yet to undergo “bottom” surgery (penile inversion vaginoplasty) — which is the creation of a vagina by inverting penile skin. …

“Things on the outside aren’t what they are supposed to be at this point in my transgender transition. I do have breasts and I do have the male genitalia still.”

Terra served 12 years in the United States Air Force.


See more content from me:

For International Women’s Day, a Vagina Museum Celebrates Biological Males and ‘Gay Vikings’

Lawmakers Vote to Defund Gender Studies, University Assails the ‘Evil’ Attempt

On a College Campus, Marxists Champion COVID’s Cure: National Socialism

Find all my RedState work here.

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