The number of Americans who think that things are going badly generally is at the highest it’s been during Joe Biden’s tenure in office, according to a new CBS News poll. Seventy-four percent say that things are going badly in America.

Most of that has been driven by inflation at 40-year record highs. But now, the stock market has taken a sharp downturn as well, making people even more pessimistic and wondering if their retirement savings may be in jeopardy. Two-thirds of those who have invested in the stock market are pessimistic.

A damning indictment of the Biden presidency:
69 percent say the economy is bad.
77 percent are pessimistic about costs.
70 percent disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation.
65 percent say Biden has been “slow to react.”

Those are crushing numbers, and what those numbers mean is we’re not just talking about Republicans and independents, but Democrats as well, and constituencies that they will desperately need in November when they are likely to get wiped out in the midterms. Over half of Democrats say things are going badly in the country, for the first time in Biden’s tenure. Most of that is tied up with how they feel about the economy. Most young people, most Hispanic Americans, and about half of Black Americans think Biden is slow to react to things, because time and again now, we have seen that he is indeed slow to react to problems from Afghanistan to inflation.

Biden and his team said inflation was just going to “pop up a little bit,” and kept saying for months that inflation was “transitory,” until he couldn’t get away with that anymore. He also claimed that no one was predicting inflation, when indeed many were, and some warned that if Biden went through with the spending in the American Rescue Plan, things would get worse.

Biden’s NEC Director Brian Deese went on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Dana Bash, and she asked him if he could explain all that. “So, how did the Administration get things so wrong?” she asked.

“Look, a lot of things have changed over the course of the last year,” Deese claimed. “And we’ve dealt with a lot of unexpected challenges.” Yes, they’ve gotten worse, exactly, because Biden didn’t pay any attention to the warnings about things that were wholly expected. Biden did what he wanted to do because he’s been under the hold of radical Democrats, and all he knows how to do is spend. How does Deese think he can get away with an answer like that? But, that’s all they have to offer as things keep getting worse.

The answer is in the CBS poll: No, they can’t get away with such stupid answers. They can’t just keep saying nothing is their fault, blaming everything and everyone else. And they’re going to get smacked down, but good, come November. Just a reminder about who Brian Deese is — he’s the guy who said in September that high food prices don’t matter so much if you don’t count beef, pork, and poultry — you know those things that most of us live on.
