This is it. Next Tuesday finally marks the midterm elections, traditionally seen as a referendum on whichever party is in charge of the executive branch in its first term.
Now, a new poll from NBC News, released Sunday, could be the last snapshot of where American voters are, as the election looms. And there’s very little for Joe Biden and the Democrats to cheer about in the results. As my colleague Bonchie wrote about the poll earlier, the Left is trying to cherry-pick one data point, out of sheer desperation.
On Sunday, things took a different turn after NBC News released its last poll showing Democrats leading the generic ballot by one point.
Democrats rejoiced, suggesting that the environment had shifted just in time.
That’s because the rest of the survey brings a stark reality check the Democrat party doesn’t want to hear.
Nearly half of registered voters want a “great deal” of change in how President Biden is leading the U.S., according to the last NBC News poll before the midterm elections.
Forty-seven percent of voters said they want a great deal of change from the Biden administration, while another 19 percent said they wanted quite a bit of change and 21 percent said they want just some change. Eleven percent said not that much change, while 1 percent said no change.
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But more voters are likely to say the country on the wrong track (72 percent) than the right one (21 percent), the poll shows.
Other bad news for the Biden administration in the poll comes in the “right track/wrong track” question, with a staggering 72 percent of voters telling pollsters the country’s going in the wrong direction, while just 21 percent say they approve of how things are going.
The only bright spot for Dems is that Biden’s job approval rating inched up four points from a week ago.
About 44 percent of voters approve of how Biden is handing his job, according to the NBC News poll, up from 40 percent last week.
Whatever happens in the midterms, as my colleague Cameron Arcand pointed out recently, “an even more consequential race is right around the corner.” I almost hate to mention it–the race for 2024 is set to start sometime next week.
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