
oi-Amritha K

on February 10, 2022

Despite the world returning to normal following the Omicron wave, experts are warning that the next version of COVID-19 will be more deadly than the original.

In December 2020, news media reported on a new variant of the Coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Other variants have since been identified and are being investigated. As a result of the new variants, questions arise: Are people at greater risk of becoming ill? Are the COVID-19 vaccines still effective? Are there any new or different precautions you should take now to remain protected?

Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO epidemiologist and technical lead on COVID-19, stated at a recent press conference that the pandemic is far from over, and future variants will be more virulent than Omicron is now.

A Fitter, Stronger COVID Variant?

“The next variant of concern will be more transmissible because it will have to overtake what is currently in circulation. The big question is whether future variants will be more or less severe”, Dr Van Kerkhove said [1].

What about the existing vaccines?

Additionally, the next variant of the virus could more easily evade immunity, making vaccines less effective. However, the experts reiterated the importance of receiving the vaccination as it protects against serious illness and death, as demonstrated during the Omicron outbreak.

“We expect that with the right interventions, the circulation of COVID-19 will be low. But even within those circulations, there will be flare-ups among people who are not protected by the vaccine or those who have waning immunity,” added Dr Van Kerkhove [2].

What Does This Mean For The Future?

According to a study conducted at the Steve Biko Academic Hospital Complex in South Africa, COVID-19 could end in the near future [3].

As a result of these studies, the researchers suggest that omicron may be a harbinger of the end of the epidemic phase of the Covid pandemic, ushering in its endemic phase. However, these studies are only indicative and subject to the emergence of new variants.

In addition, experts warned that Coronavirus, a respiratory pathogen, may show seasonal patterns for infection surges.


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