The NHS will have get an extra £3.5billion added to its budget to boost outdated IT systems, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has announced.
Unveiled as part of today’s Budget, Mr Hunt claimed the move will unlock £35billion in returns in terms of efficiency in the health service.
He claimed it would stop NHS staff wasting time filling out forms and instead boost the number of appointments tackling the NHS backlog.
This included investment to help medics interpret scans for disease like cancer faster, speeding up diagnosis.
Mr Hunt said his brother, who he recently lost to the disease, would have welcomed the measure.
The NHS will also get an additional £2.45billion of extra funding as part of the budget to help tackle waiting list, taking the total announced investment to almost £6billion.

Unveiled as part of today’s Budget, Mr Hunt claimed the move will unlock £35billion in returns in terms of efficiency in the health service

Amanda Pritchard, NHS chief executive welcomed the boost to the health service’s budgets.
‘Today’s announcement shows the government continues to back the NHS and the £2.45bn of extra funding for next year ensures we have the support we need to make continued progress on our key priorities for patients.
‘Adopting the latest technology is already having an impact on the way we deliver services for patients – including getting your prescriptions on the NHS App and virtual wards which let people recover at home.
‘The significant £3.4bn investment in capital to fund new technology means the NHS can now commit to deliver 2 per cent annual productivity growth in the final two years of the next Parliament, which will unlock tens of billions of savings.’